Chapter 20:

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Lauren's POV:

10AM. I didn't get to sleep until 6AM but of course, I woke up at 10AM. I didn't want to move out of worry of waking Camila and though I was starving I could hear her step-mother downstairs and there was no way in hell I was going down there alone.

Taking a look at the sleeping girl next to me, I rubbed at my face and decided that I couldn't lie there any longer. I was getting restless. I contemplated just getting changed and heading out but there were a few issues with that:

1. I only had a Halloween costume and it was November 1st.

2. Her step mom would probably see me and think that I was just some girl that Camila had a one-night stand with.

I got up out of bed and went over to the mirror. My hair was fairly tidy to say I'd had a wig on all night. My face, however, needed fixing. The make-up I'd worn was smudged all round my face and my lips were dry. Shaking my head at the sight, I made my way round to Camila's side of the bed and drank the majority of the water in the glass she'd brought up which had gone untouched.

After a good 10 minutes of wandering around the room, I decided to just find a pair of skinny jeans (considering this spare room was basically Camila's and she still had some clothes here) and wear the t-shirt I'd slept in to go home. Once I'd thrown my hair into a high pony and attired myself in something sort-of suitable, I grabbed a piece of paper from the desk underneath the window and wrote a note.


Thank you for coming with me to the party last night. I enjoyed your company a lot, not to mention how hot you looked. I hope you enjoyed yourself and enjoyed swilling Suki.

I woke up really early and decided it wasn't fair to wake you. You looked really comfortable.

If you're feeling up to it, we'll go grab something to eat later. I'm sorry for rushing off like this – it's just because I'm hungry and in need of a shower.

I'll see you later. – Lauren x"


Camila's POV:

2PM. That's one of the reasons I hated going out and drinking, you sleep the day away. I'm not going to get to live another November 1st 2017, and I'd spent the majority of it asleep. Reading the note that Lauren had left on the pillow, I smiled to myself before going downstairs.

"Good afternoon." My madre addressed me once I'd sat down at the kitchen table and grabbed a piece of fruit from the basket in the centre.

"Hola." I husked, rubbing at my sleepy eyes.


"No, actually." I stated proudly, tilting my chin up and smiling childishly at her as I bit into my banana. She rolled her eyes jokingly and continued cleaning up the counter. I took the moment to check my phone.

Dinah – 12:13: How did the party go? Has the dry spell ended yet?

Camila – 14:21: It went well, you know after Suki deliberately spilt her drink all down my dress. But I got her back & no, it hasn't ended – mainly because we stayed at madre's and it was 5 in the morning.

A clutter of plates being put away caught my attention and I looked up when my mom spoke again. "Do you have any plans today?" She asked, drying off her hands on the kitchen towel as she sat down opposite me.

"I'm probably going to grab dinner with Lauren later. She had to rush off this morning." I informed her as I stood up to throw my banana peel away.

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