Chapter 18:

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Lauren's POV:

I was sat with a friend of mine and Suki's, Lilly, drinking a beer when my ex-girlfriend started to make her way over to us. I'd been here for 20 minutes but Suki had only exchanged a smile with me since then and I was fine with that, I honestly didn't really want to speak to her at all tonight. Internally, I was rolling my eyes when the Brit got closer – externally, I was sporting a bright smile.

"Hey, Suki." I beamed in an unreadable tone, standing up and embracing my ex in a loose hug before pulling away.

The blonde's eyes were slightly widened and I wondered whether I'd gone too far with the hug. "Hey, Lauren. Where's Camila?" She asked with blatant look of 'I don't really care but I guess I have to ask.' I looked towards the door in hopes that the Cuban in question would come walking in, but she didn't.

"She should be on her way." I smiled.

"Man, I hope she doesn't stand you up." Suki laughed.

"Like you did to me at Keana's Halloween party when you were too busy making out with my best friend?" The scandal from a few years ago slipped from my mouth and I was pissed at myself for mentioning it. I didn't want Suki knowing how badly she'd hurt me.

My ex began to crack up again and leaned back a little. "Woah, Jauregui. Hold a grudge much?"

I rolled my eyes and sat back down next to Lilly, who was quietly sipping her drink though it was obvious that she was seriously enjoying the whole thing. "Fuck off, Suki."

The tall blonde shook her head in disbelief before leaving – I was surprised she hadn't kicked me out over the confrontation. It was her party at the end of the day.

"When did the two of you even start talking again?" Lilly asked, looking over at me.

I sighed. "I was at the beach in the summer with Camila and Suki came over. The two of them got into a little cat fight but nothing too nasty happened. Then earlier this month, Suki invited me to this party. I obviously wasn't going to say no, I knew all my friends who I haven't seen in forever would be here and I want to kiss the fucking face of Camila in front of that bitch."

The fake horns on top of Lilly's head wobbled as nodded slowly. "You fucking go, girl." The brunette smirked, giving me a very low-key high-five. Right on cue, I glanced over at the door as it began to open. I gulped, praying to God that it was Camila.

And it was. Attired in a light blue boob-tune as Princess Jasmine, the Cuban made her way through the door and I adjusted my blonde wig.

"Hi," Camila spoke and was suddenly in front of me. I needed a minute to take her in apperance right now. The costume was a brilliant idea because it suited her so perfectly. She'd done everything right - from the hair, to the costume, right down to the make up. "Lauren?" She addressed, now sounding somewhat insecure.

"Hi." I blurted out, wiping out my mouth for any drool that may have formed. "You look amazing."

"Says you." Camila laughed, eyeing me up and gesturing towards my body. I'd really went all out with my outfit choice. "You look beautiful." She commented sincerely. "I really like the hair." Her index finger reached up and twirled around the ends of the wig. My Princess Jasmine looked up at me with 'fuck me' eyes and I had to throw in a subject change before I did something rational.

"Shall we go meet some people?"


Camila and I had decided to get some drinks before meeting everyone; this meant I had some more time to think about how I was going to introduce the younger woman. I didn't have much time though, because I spotted Lilly making her way over with two other friends.

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