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Chapter 2
Time passes and both men start to wonder. "What do you think happened to him, Becca? He's so big now, it can't be natural", Bucky whispers and his sister giggles. "I don't have a clue. You could go ask him", she suggests. "Are you crazy? He probably doesn't even want to greet me. I knew him, yes, but that was eight years ago. I never wrote him or called him. He probably hates me now."
"Nonsense, Bucky. You were best friends", Rebecca says and hands her brother a small cupcake. "Eat something, chocolate makes happy." "He'd hate me even more, if he knew what I did, what I hide", he mumbles and Rebecca sighs. "It wasn't you, okay? Listen, I told you this a thousand times before. You are not the Winter Soldier. It might've been your body, but not your soul."
She underlines the last three words by poking his chest. Rebecca grabs Bucky's wrist and pushes his arm up to his mouth. "Eat the cupcake, come on", she grins and he squirms away. He laughs slightly, she's always so happy, so warm-hearted. "No, please... Uhh, I don't wanna eat. I-", but he doesn't come further, because his giggling sister triumphed and pushed the cupcake into his mouth. He bites down reluctantly.
"It's good. Oh god, is that a liquid core?", he says surprisedly. "Yes! I knew it would cheer you up, grumpy cat", Rebecca smiles. The halls get fuller, it's only a matter of time until the Stark's officially start the banquet.
Steve watches his old friend fooling around with his sister and sighs. He doesn't even notice the black glove on Bucky's left. "You should go and talk to him, Steve. You were inseperable, that doesn't go away easily", Natasha says and strokes over her friend's back. "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky... On every dance, the others tried to pick on me, but Bucky was there. Pulling them away, even when it was a fight."
"I know, Steve, I know. Go over, catch up with eachother", she answers softly. "Steve, could you come over for a second?", Sarah asks and Steve follows the question stat. "You probably remember Alexander, right?", she smiles and Steve nods. "Pleasured to meet you again, your highness", he says politely. "The pleasure's all mine, Prince. I heard you had some enhancements?", Alexander answers curiously.
His son got some enhancements from that organisation, and he finished what they started. Allowing James to survive the crash, to stay upright and adjust to the new arm. He wants to know what the similiarities are between him and the Rogers' heir. Steve calmly explains what he knows, but can't help to steal a look at Bucky every now and then.

The more people come in, the further Bucky and his sister venture to the back of the hall. Finally, after the last guests arrived, the Stark family appears on top of the stairs. "Good evening, Ladies and Gentleman. Kings and Queens. Princes and Princesses. We're delighted to have you all here tonight", Howard starts. "But we won't bore you with a long speech. So, Welcome and enjoy the night", Maria ends and gestures across the hall.
Music starts playing and it gets louder than before. The first glass shatters and Bucky flinches. "Hey, shh, it was just a wine glass", Rebecca says and takes his hands. "Let's dance, hm? What do you think? I want to show off my handsome brother. Everyone thought you didn't come anymore, because you had scars all over." "Then we should prove them wrong", Bucky agrees, remembering his father's words.
They walk to the dancing area, staying on its edge, and dance together. It's still slow, classical music. "I could play that", Bucky whispers and she grins. "You know, that I can hear you play at night, right? When you sneak into the library because you can't sleep." "Really? Oh, I'm sorry", he apologizes smiling.
Steve started roaming around the hall aimlessly, after he finished explaining, and comes to a stop not far away from Bucky and Rebecca. He watches his friend. 'He's gotten bigger too, more muscly. His suit is tight around his arms- why do I even notice this...', Steve thinks and shakes his head lightly. He turns and goes to get a drink.
He orders a white russian cocktail and drinks a sip, when Natasha joins him. "Did you talk to him yet?", she asks, ordering two Manhattan's in the same breath. "No, Nat, I didn't", he sighs. "Too shy or too scared?", she asks smirking. "Too busy", he answers. "Everyone has questions here... And so do I. Two drinks?" "For me and Clint", the redhead answers. "Greet him from me", Steve says with a wink as she leaves with the beverages.
"Sure thing, Rogers", Natasha chuckles. Steve empties his drink after a while and decides that she's right. He shouldn't be so awkward. It's not like he has to introduce himself again, right? They've been best friends since childhood. He starts wandering around again and looks out for Bucky, who's nowhere to be found.

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