Not part of the costume

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Chapter 25
"It's better like this", the brunet says. "I'd love to kiss you right now", Steve mumbles and puts his empty glass aside, brushing his fingers past Bucky's. "I know, sunshine. But we're not out yet", James whispers and holds Steve back gently, as if he wanted to tell him something secretly. "Let's do it on Thanksgiving, at Hydra, when nothing gets in the way." "Yeah, okay... But what could possibly get in the way?", Steve asks silently, hoping that nothing will.

"My father, Stevie. I'm expecting to get confronted by him anytime, when I'm home", James answers and caresses Steve's hand softly, hidden by the cloak of his costume. "Maybe he'll accept it, you can't know it exactly", the blond says, trying to give Bucky some hope. "Mayhaps", Bucky sighs and they start walking around the hall. "Remember my uncle? Asriel?" Steve looks at him and nods slowly, "Yeah, why?"

Bucky hesitates a few seconds before answering, waiting until they are in a less crowded corner. "My father 'sent' him to Europe, because he didn't marry by thirty. You know, that he always wanted to keep up the old rules and traditions of our kingdom. We might have accepting laws, and the public doesn't really care, but for him... For him, being gay is something unacceptable, when it comes to his own family", the brunet explains and sighs deeply.

"That's fucked up, honey", Steve mumbles and shakes his head. "But who knows, maybe being ill changed his mind." "That just made him angrier and more convinced, that I gotta take the throne", Bucky says and puts on a smile, when Rebecca walks towards them. "Hey, how's it going?" "Good, Liam is flirting so much, it's almost awkward", she grins and looks back to the boy. Bucky follows her glance and eyes the younger prince up sceptically.

"Bucky, don't look at him like that", Rebecca says embarrassedly and pulls on her brother's arm to turn him around. "Okay, okay. Goodness, Rebecca", he chuckles and entangles himself from her grip. "Just wanted to see, what he looks like." "What? Are you thinking about betraying me?", Steve asks grinning and takes Bucky's hand. Steve looks around for a moment, nobody saw. "Of course not, idiot", the brunet says. "But he looks nice, great catch, Becca", he adds and smiles.

"Thanks", Rebecca grins and hugs both men briefly before walking back to her crush. "Didn't you want to ask Natasha about the thighs of betrayal?", Steve grins and nods towards the red head. "Thanks for reminding me, yes", Bucky chuckles and pulls Steve with him. "Hey, Nat", he says and they make circle with Pepper, Clint and Natasha. "What's up?", she asks grinning and glances from Bucky's leather pants to Steve.

"Well, Steve told me something about some creative terms you made up", Bucky grins and looks directly at her. "Uhm... What terms?", Natasha asks, blushing slightly. Steve leans in to her and almost resting his head on her shoulder. "Thighs of betrayal", he whispers and she starts laughing. "Oh, that one", Natasha says and takes Bucky's hand for a moment, patting it lightly. "We mean it well, Bucky. You got muscly and we, uhm, appreciated it."

"I know, Natasha. But how in hell did you come up with it?", Bucky grins. "Because any girl would betray their man to get those thighs", Nat answers and Clint stares at her unsettled. "Not anymore, Clint. Don't worry. But he was single back then", the red head reassures him and takes her boyfriend's hand. "Oh man", Bucky sighs and runs his left hand through his hair. "Your costume looks awesome, by the way. But what exactly is it supposed to be?", Clint asks and grins.

"Cyborg Vampire", James answers without missing a beat and Clint nods thoughtfully. "That's fucking creative", he says. 'Well, I'm fucking Mr.Creative', Bucky thinks and has to force himself not to say it out loud. "And our Captain America here? Vampire hunter?", Natasha asks and nudges Steve lightly. "Nope, just scandalously gay", the blond answers flatly and all of them start laughing. They keep talking for a while and only stop when the music starts playing a little louder.

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