Paintings and Parents

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Chapter 41
The next two days go by quickly and Bucky is sitting in his office for the first time in four years. He's looking around the room he should've used more often. "James", Alexander says upon entering and Bucky flinches at the sudden interruption. "Father", he says and sighs inwardly. "We have to talk", Alexander says and sits down in front of Bucky's desk. "What about? I have nothing to say to you", Bucky answers and tilts his head. "You seemed to be happy with Steven", Hydra's king states and his son nods slowly. "That's what love is supposed to be like, isn't it?", he says, sitting up straighter.

"Yes. But...don't you feel like a burden to your, uh, boyfriend?", Alexander asks and smiles faintly. "With your impairment, the coma, your nightmares..." Bucky scoffs and shakes his head. "This is the weakest try on manipulating me that you ever made, father", the prince says coldly. "I can't judge. I don't know, if you feel like a burden to Mom, but Steve accepts me as I am." Alexander stops himself from standing up at Bucky's remark and glares at his son. "How dare you make such an assumption?", he says. "You're sick. You've been at the hospital more than once in the last three months", James answers.

"My health is none of your business, young man", Hydra's king snaps, but Bucky keeps looking at him calmly. "It wasn't...until a few months ago, when you declared that I will be crowned next year. Now, your sickness impairs your reign, and if you become bed-ridden or worse I have to take the throne. So, it is one of my concerns", the prince says and stands up. "If all you want to do is to criticise my love and health, you may leave now, because then I will not prolong this conversation." Alexander looks at Bucky surprisedly. "I'm impressed", he says, raising from his seat. "We will talk. But as you wish, everything can be postponed for a certain amount of time."

Alexander leaves Bucky's office and closes the door behind him. "Idiot", James whispers and falls back into the old fashioned office chair. He runs his fingers over the dark fabric of its padding, closing his eyes. His office is silent, nobody else is on the same floor at the moment and Bucky releases a deep sigh. "He's going to explode, when I propose to Steve", he murmurs. He stands up and opens one of the windows, letting the cold winter air fill the room. Somebody knocks on the door and he furrows his brows. "Yes?", Bucky asks and turns around to face his visitor. "It's just me", Michael grins and James laughs.

"You were out and about for a good while, James. It's good to see you here and back to health", Hydra's young ambassador says. "Missed you, too", Bucky answers amusedly and they hug for a brief moment. "How's your relationship going, huh? Maybe you won't need me to go to Lehigh anymore", Michael says and leans onto the desk. "I thought you liked Lehigh?", Bucky smiles. "It's going well. My father's not happy, but I am, so..." "So it doesn't matter. Anyway, would you help me with some scheduling?", Michael asks calmly. "Sure, bring it on", James says and they sit down at his desk to work through the appointments.

Steve is sitting next to his cousins in the arts room. They all have blank canvasses in front of them and Steve shows them the colors they can use. "Is this pink? Or red?", Lillian asks and holds a small bottle towards Steve. He takes the paint and smiles slightly. "It's pink. What do you want to draw?", he asks and the twins shake their heads. "It's a secret", Autumn says. "You will see later", Lillian agrees. "Fine. What about you, Dominic?", the blond sighs and looks at the boy. "I think I'll draw a tree. Like in fall", Dominic says and starts searching for brown and yellow paint. "Sounds good. Maybe start with a pencil sketch", Steve suggests.

He helps Dominic to draw a tree as he wants it to look. "Now I want to color it!", Dominic yells and Steve gives him some brushes. "Don't take too much paint at once, it could smear", he smiles and notices that the girls are working on their paintings together. "Is everything alright?", Steve asks and they nod without looking up. "I'll get us some juice. What do you want?" "Multivitamin", Dominic mumbles. "Orange", Autumn says and Lillian nods. "Me too." "I'll be right back", Steve says and goes to the kitchen. "They're so silent", Eleanore grins and joins her grandson when she meets him in the hallway. "They're drawing", Steve answers.

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