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Chapter 13
They stay in the library for a while, talking about anything and everything. Steve sits down next to Bucky on the piano stool and leans onto him slightly. "Buck?", he whispers and Bucky looks at him, smiling. "Hm?" "Can you play something again?" The brunet nods slightly and sits up a little straighter. "Guys, any music wishes?", he asks calmly and smirks. "Maybe... Say something?", Sarah suggests and Bucky nods, he likes the song. Steve looks up the notes and positions them for Bucky.

He starts playing carefully and mumbles the words under his breath to keep track of it. Afterwards several other suggestions are turned into soft tunes until someone opens the doors just as Bucky finishes playing Closer. "Lunch is ready, your highnesses", a young servant says. Rebecca looks over at her brother and raises and eyebrow, Bucky shakes his head in slight confusion. They never saw him before.
"Thank you, we'll attend in a minute", Winifred says and the servant leaves with a nod. "He's new..." "You don't know him either?", Rebecca asks, usually their mother checks up everyone who works for them. "No, not at all", the queen of Hydra answers. A tense silence takes place as they all look at eachother, this is far from normal. "What about security?", Bucky asks and stands up. "Not everywhere, I think", Winifred replies.

Bucky walks down the few stairs to the main area and takes some books out of a dusty shelf. "What are you doing?", Steve asks when he hears something ticking. "Just taking a few measures", the brunet mumbles and opens the small safe. He takes two knives and conceals them on his waistband. "I'll be right back", he says sternly and Steve recognizes the look in his eyes from when Bucky restrained his father.

"Wait, I'll come with you", the blond says after a second of consideration. Bucky looks at him and sighs, he knows that Steve won't let him go alone. "Fine", he says and they hurry into the hallway. Bucky skims the entrance hall and pushes Steve to the ground, kneeling beside him, when a gunshot sounds. "What the hell was that?", Steve asks shockedly. "Stay. Be careful", Bucky commands and is gone a moment later.

The brunet sneaks towards the stairs, feeling like something is creeping up inside of him. Winter. He squints and shakes his head. 'No, not now', he thinks urgently and takes a deep breath. He looks down and finds one of the knives in his hand. The move has become that much of a reflex, that he doesn't even have to think about it anymore. Bucky hurries upstairs and sneaks up on the new servant.

He darts forward and wraps his left around the guy's neck. He flips the knife into his left palm and covers the man's mouth with his right. "Shh...", he mumbles. "Drop the gun." The weapon clatters on the ground. "Are you alone?" A nod. "Member of an organisation?" He shakes his head. Bucky tightens the grip around the man's neck, he nods. "Who are you?" "S-sean Jonson", he gasps and coughs. Bucky shoves him to the ground.

He heard that name before. "The lion's circle", Bucky hisses and Sean nods. Bucky twists the knife in his hand and leans down. "You knew about them taking prisoners", he growls. "I-I am so sorry", Sean stutters and slides backwards. "They reported the torture." "We didn't know it was you, if we did, we would've called in an extraction team." "Every soldier has the same worth." Just as Winter is about to take over Bucky's mind, Steve stops him.
"Buck, don't do that", he whispers and carefully takes the knife from his lover. "It's not worth it." The brunet stares at Steve, then at the floor, his mind is blank. Not the Winter Soldier blankness, but one caused by confusion. He would've snapped, if it wasn't for Steve interrupting him.

"Okay... okay", Bucky mumbles and turns away. Steve takes out a zip tie he found in the storage room and ties Sean's hands together. "Why are you here?", Steve asks. "My boss told me to gather you and then make an offer. Information and payment", the other says nervously. Bucky turns around, he's feeling sick, and walks upstairs to his room. Security is called but James leans against his bed, contemplating what could've happened. Bad things. "I could've hurt Steve", he whispers and buries his face in his hands.

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