Songs and Threats

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Chapter 42
Later on, when they're in the restaurant, Steve and Bucky hold hands under the table while waiting for their food. "Mommy?", Lillian asks and Annabelle nods. "Can you eat properly with just one hand?" "I don't know, sweetheart. Why are you asking?", Annabelle answers. "Because they're holding hands as if they never wanted to let go", Autumn says and points at the couple. Bucky looks at her in surprise and Steve laughs awkwardly. "Goodness", Annabelle chuckles. James adjusts the dark blue glove on his left hand. 'I would've found out about that possibility, if it wasn't for the metal arm', he thinks and lets go of Steve's hand.

"It's just a sign of security", Steve says and brushes through his hair. "It's reassuring", Bucky agrees. "Can we hold hands with you on the way back to the car?", Lillian asks and bounces excitedly on her chair. "Of course. But we need time to eat dinner first, so don't rush it", Steve answers and drinks some of the wine Bucky and he ordered. "Okay", she smiles and leans back. The waiter brings their food shortly after and they start eating. "Can we have ice cream?", Dominic asks and looks at his parents pleadingly. "It's the middle of winter", Robin grins. "And?", Autumn asks innocently. "No. You can have some candy later", Robin answers.

"Okay!", Dominic says and nods quickly. They talk for a few minutes and Joseph and Sarah go to pay as the others put on their coats. "Can we hold hands now?", Lillian asks. "Please", Autumn begs as they stand right in front of the couple. "Sure", Lehigh's prince smiles. Lillian takes Steve's right hand, while Autumn takes Steve's left and Bucky's right so she walks between them. "Can I join?", Dominic asks shyly. "Of course, come here", Bucky says and smiles. Dominic takes his left hand and smiles happily. The row of five makes their way to the cars. "Do you guys know Mary Poppins?", Steve asks.

"Oh, yes", Autumn nods. "It's a nice movie", Dominic adds. "Do you know the songs too?", Steve asks and grins at Bucky. "A few", Lillian answers truthfully. "What about Chim Chimney?", Bucky asks and they nod. Steve and Bucky start with a rather bouncy kind of walking and sing with Steve's cousins. The adults grin at the sight and Eleanore takes a video, so she can show it to the couple later on. "Chim chimney, chim chimney, chim chim cheroo, good luck will rub off, when I shakes hands with you", they sing and reach their cars with the last line of the song. "That was funny", Autumn giggles. "Yeah, but I wanna drink something now", Lillian agrees.

"We have some water in the car, don't worry", Steve says and picks her up. Autumn looks up at Bucky and smiles innocently. "Give me a second", the brunet says and lifts Dominic onto the car's roof. He picks Autumn up and they both laugh. "Mom! Look!", Dominic yells and Annabelle grins at them. "You're high up", she says. Sarah unlocks one of the cars and gives the other keys to Robin. "Thanks", he says and unlocks the car Dominic is sitting on. Bucky and Steve set the twins down and Annabelle lifts Dominic off the roof. All three children climb into the backseat. Bucky and Steve take the backseat of the other car, together with Sarah.

Joseph and Robin drive the group back to the castle. Bucky and Steve go upstairs, promising to join the others shortly before midnight. Bucky stretches out on Steve's bed and grins up at his boyfriend. "Wouldn't it be fascinating, if science got far enough to allow two men to have children?", he asks and Steve laughs. "I think we'll be long dead, when that happens", he says and lies down next to James. "How should that work anyway?" "Extracting the woman's genes and instead combining two guys' DNA in an egg cell", Bucky mumbles, "I don't know, it's just a thought." "It'd be awesome", Steve smiles and kisses him.

Bucky rolls over and pins Steve down with a smirk. "You're horrible", Steve chuckles and pulls him into a deep kiss. "You've got no room to talk on that", James whispers. He slides his hands under Steve's shirt, when the blond suddenly stops him. "What?" Steve carefully removes the glove from Bucky's left. "This is better", he smirks and wraps his arms around his boyfriend's neck. "Don't you think the same, James?" Bucky hums lowly and kisses Steve's neck. "Is that a gun or are you just happy to be here?", Steve asks amusedly. "Shut up, baby", Bucky murmurs and pecks his lips. "Just shut up."

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