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Quick Author's Note
I'm so sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. My aunt was pregnant and she was having problems with her pregnancy so I had to go down to her house (her house it 6 hours away from mine) and watch her other two children for a while (The kids are five and three so I kind of had my hands full). I was very busy and I had little to no time to write any stories. I promise now that things are back to normal (my aunt is better and has a beautiful baby girl), I will be able to update more frequently. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Ren's POV

I must had fallen asleep on Ivar because when I woke up I was sprawled across his chest. We were laying in the sand and it was rather uncomfortable but I didn't want to move. Ivar's eyes started to flutter open while he let out a soft groan.

"Good morning, love"

"Good morning, Ivar"

I rolled off of my lover and stretched out my arms and legs. Ivar was starring at me, taking in all of my features.

"Are you looking for something, Ivar" I mocked. He didn't say anything in response. He just chuckled and winked at me. Then someone cleared their throat and I whipped my head around to see who was watching us.

"Papa, what are you doing here?" I asked rather nervous.

"Young lady, where were you last night. Your mother was worried sick. By the gods, did you stay here all night with Ivar?" He asked making sure I would notice the anger in his voice.

"Now Floki, Ren and I simply fell asleep watching the stars." Ivar tried to help the situation.

"I don't want to here from you, boy! Ren go back to the house. Ivar I want to speak with you."

I spoke softly, "Yes papa. I will see you later, Ivar."

I walked back to my house but I couldn't help my curiosity. I wanted to know the my father and Ivar were going to be discussing.

Ivar's POV

After Ren left, Floki gave me a death stare.

"I need to speak with you, Ivar."

"I thought you didn't want to hear from me." I retorted, testing his patience.

"Do you love my daughter?"

I didn't understand why Floki wanted to know this. Wasn't it obvious? She is everything to me.

"Yes, I love Ren."

"Good," Floki continued, "I'm happy that she has a  man who cares for her. And I'm happy that you are that man. But Ivar, I warn you, if you ever do anything to upset my daughter I will personally see that you are never heard of again. Do you understand?"

"I understand perfectly, Floki. Trust me, I don't plan on upsetting her."

"Good and you are not allowed to stay the night anymore. I won't allow that in my home."

"Alright Floki. Now I must be getting back to Ren."

I crawled back to the village and found Ren's house. I don't bother knocking anymore, I just let myself in. I found Ren at the dining table with her mother.

"Hello Helga, hello Ren."

"Hello Ivar." They said in unison.

"Helga, can I speak to Ren for a moment." I asked while trying to look as friendly as possible.

Helga sighed, "I suppose, but only for a bit. I need her help with the chores." Ren hopped out of her seat after her mother said those words. She took me outside and we sat on the ground.

"I need to know, what did my father say to you?"

"Nothing important. You don't need to worry about it, woman." I said with a smile.

"Please, tell me?" She asked while batting her eyes.

"No Ren."

She leaned in closer to me and whispered in my ear, "Will you trade me a secret for a kind act?"

"That all depends on what kind act you are willing to give me." I said with a smirk.

"I have a few thoughts."

I shouldn't be so willing to give up my private talk with Floki, but Ren is so convincing. As I was getting ready to tell her what Floki had said to me, her mother called.

"Ren, come back inside. I need your help starting supper."

She groaned, "coming mother." Then she looked at me, "we will finish this later, Ivar." She gave me a quick kiss and sauntered off into her home.
Gods, I love that woman.

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