Best Friends

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"Ouch! Ivar! Stop pulling my hair! Papa, he's hurting me!" five year old Ren shouted.

"Ivar that's no way to treat a lady." Floki said. Ivar stuck his tongue out at Ren.

"If you are going to stay here, you are going to behave." Floki told Ivar.

Aslaug, Ivar's mother, has given Ivar to Floki and Helga to teach him about the gods. Floki and Helga have two daughters. Angrboda and Ren.
Ren and Ivar became close friends. Always together.

12 Years Later

"Ivar! Stop it! That hurts!" Ren shouted as Ivar yanked on her hair. Ren gave Ivar a hard shove and he fell off of the rock he was perched on.
Ren laughed and Ivar glared at her.

"You whore" Ivar spat.

"Oh please, Ivar! You deserved it! You were pulling my hair." Ren remarked while she hopped off the rock. She extended her hand to help Ivar get back onto the rock but he refused. Instead he started crawling toward the village.

"Where are you going?" Ren asked as she followed him.


"Oh Ivar, you're not angry with me are you?"

"No." He replied, obviously irritated. They went back to the village in silence. They were approaching the gates of the village when they ran into Sigurd.

"Hello Ren." Sigurd said with a smile.

"Hello." Ren replied. Ren didn't care for Sigurd because of the way he treated Ivar.

"Would you care to join me in the forest for some training?" Sigurd asked Ren, ignoring Ivar's presence. Knowing it would anger Ivar, Ren agreed to go with Sigurd.

Ivar's POV

I hate him. I hate him. He ruins everything. He took her away from me. She's mine. My love. My Ren. I wasn't angry with Ren. I just wanted her to pay more attention to me. That's why I was pulling her hair in the first place. When I act like I'm mad at her, she acts very sweet and does things for me. She's been spending too much time with Sigurd. I hate Sigurd.

Ren's POV

Sigurd would not shut up. He kept talking while I was trying to shoot an arrow and I completely missed my target. This was a mistake. I only came here to make Ivar jealous. He's cute when he's jealous. He gets so protective and possessive. I love it.

"I don't understand why you spend so much time with my crippled brother." Sigurd said.

"He's my best friend, Sigurd."

"He's a crippled and hardly a man. Do you want to know something Margrethe told me?"

I hate that slave. She's a whore.

"What did she tell you Sigurd?" I asked with clenched teeth.

"She told me that Ivar can't please a woman."      I was furious with Sigurd. I slapped him and stormed off. I had to find Ivar. I ran into the village and found Ivar cottage. I walked into the throne room and saw Aslaug.

"Hello, my dear." Aslaug said to me.

"Hello Aslaug. Have you seen Ivar?"

"No I haven't."

I exhaled loudly and left the cottage. I knew where he would be. I ran to the river as fast as my legs would take me. There I saw him. Sitting on the shore, staring off into the water. I walked up and sat next to him. His jaw was clenched and his muscles were tense. I rested my head on his shoulder and started to hum a random tune. A small smile crept onto his face.

"I'm sorry, Ivar."

"I'm not upset."

"Oh really so you weren't jealous. Not even a little bit."


"Yes you are."



"I am not jealous!"

"So you wouldn't be jealous if I told you I had sex with Sigurd."

"No." He huffed.

"You wouldn't be jealous if I told you we had sex and it was amazing. Our hot, thriving bodies tangled together as he thrusted his co-"

"Shut up!" He screamed.

"I knew it, you were jealous."

"Yes. I am jealous! I don't want you talking to Sigurd. I hate him."

"Wow. I never thought I would see the day when Ivar, Prince of Kattegat, son of Ragnar would be jealous!"

"It's not funny."

"Ivar you know I would never have sex with Sigurd. I hate him just as much as you." I laughed.

Ivar smiled but then his features turned stern again.

"What's the matter Ivar?"

"Did he tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I knew exactly what he was talking about but I didn't want to embarrass him.

"What happened with Margrethe?" He said while looking down at his legs.

"Yes." I said quietly. "But I don't believe it." I said. He looked surprised.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I believe you are fully capable of pleasing a woman."

"No. I can't."

"But Ivar, there is more than one way to please a woman."

"Ren, but I can't fu--"

"I will teach you."

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