~ Characters ~

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Lauren Kim / Kim Lauren

- 18 years old
- simple and beautiful
- loves travelling
- single for 6 months already
- talented
- dance/ hiphop queen
- amazing model

Mark Tuan Yi-En

- 20 years old
- so damn handsome and attractive
- a million girls love him
- he only loves one girl
- single for 1 year already
- part of Got7 / the oldest
- rapper

Liza Kim / Kim Liza

- Lauren's little sister
- 17 years old
- songwriter
- happy go lucky girl
- funny
- always laughs
- beautiful like her sister
- one great model
- Kpop addict

Im Jaebum

- 19 years old
- leader of Got7
- bipolar? Idk....
- funny and cute
- talented
- handsome and super hot...oops

Park Jinyoung

- 19 years old (but younger than Jb)
- talented
- cutie
- Lauren's bestfriend in Got7
- one responsible Eomma
- dangerous/savage....super savage
- loves Yugyeom so much that he wants to kill him.

Jackson Wang / Wang Ka Yee

- 18 years old
- super funny
- cutie and really handsome
- hot...really hot.
- has a hyena like laugh
- everybody loves him

Choi Youngjae

- 18 years old ( younger than Jackson )
- one great vocal...i mean one amazing vocal.
- talented...super duper talented.
- a ball of sunshine
- a cutie
- easily gets scared
- hates cucumber
- loves coco ( together with Mark and Lauren )

Kumpimook Bhuwakul ( Bambam )

- 17 years old
- one great rapper
- cutie
- looks like the maknae but not
- has small legs
- nice lips
- always dies his hair
- fashionista

Kim Yugyeom

- 17 years old ( younger than Bambam )
- the maknae
- dance machine
- hot for a maknae
- loves her Noona (Lauren)


- Members: Jungkook, Jin, Jimin, Rapmon, JHope, Suga, and Taehyung.
- close with Got7 and to Lauren aswell
( they will appear in some chapters after)

Other characters:

Mark's parents, Lauren and Liza's parents, JYPnim, Got7's manager, Twice, other made up characters.

-Thats it for the characters guys! Other made up characters will come aswell. Also other celebrities. Thank you for reading my story! Please continue next page! 😙😘-

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