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Mark and Lauren were on their way back to the van. They sat beside each other, akward silence surrounded them.

Lauren took a glance at her watch, her eyes widen when she saw the time was 6:49 already.

"Oh no." Lauren muttered. She facepalmed herself silently. She cant believe she forgot to go to the park where her parents told her to.

"Whats wrong?" Mark asked when he noticed Lauren facepalming.

"Liza and i have somewhere important to go to. And i think we cant be there in time." Lauren sighed.

"Dont worry, we'll take you there. Where is it?"  Mark asked.

"You remember where you and your playmates always hang out in highschool? Its there." Lauren explained.

But then she realized what she said....*oh no*

"You knew where our secret place is?" Mark asked while raising his eyebrow. *was she following me before?* Mark thought.

"I uh... i just....saw you guys... so ...you know..." she stuttered. She mentally facepalmed herself for stuttering. For being so obvious. For being so nervous. For being such a pabo.

Mark smirked, he was positive that his crush followed him and his colleagues back at highschool in their secret place. The place where there is a wide empty field, they put a standee with a basketball ring with it so they can play basketball there. A place where there are roses at each side of the field, a place where there is fresh green grass. Where you can forget all of your problems.

"Never mind, So your going to the park?" Mark asked and Lauren slowly nodded.

"Jaebum-ah. Can you drive to the park? The flight wont be in 2 hours, right?" Mark talked to Jb.

"Yeah, but we still better hurry, if were early, less fans will be there." Jb said.

Jb drove us to the park, he was on high speed but luckily the road was a bit lonely.

"Hey Noona. We didnt introduced ourselves properly." The cute guy with violet color in the middle of his hair said while a smile curved on his lips.

"Im bambam, thats Yugyeom, thats Youngjae Hyung, Jinyoung Hyung, Jackson Hyung, and Jb." Bambam pointed each of the boys.

"Yah! You call the others Hyung and not me!" Jb pouted. *aww...i thought Jb was serious all the time. He looks so cute when he pouts!!* Lauren fangirled mentally, she couldnt stop smiling at the boys. Their not bad at all to Lauren and Liza.

"Are you the youngest?" Lauren asked to Bambam.

"Aniyo, Yugyeom is the maknae." Bambam said.

"Oh. Hi Gyeomie." Lauren already gave her a nickname. She loves giving nicknames to her friends, but to Liza. She didnt. She already loved her sister's name.

"How old are you Noona?" Youngjae asked.

"Im 18." Lauren answered.

"She's younger than Jackson, but older than you. So she's still your noona." Mark explained to the ball of sunshine, Youngjae.

Youngjae nodded slowly, understanding what his Hyung said. And when he finally understood it, he gave one last smile to Lauren and went back to leaning on his seat and eyes on his phone playing games.

"So it means im older than you. Aigoo, another child of mine." Jinyoung said while holding his chest with his palm and smiling like a happy mother.

Lauren giggled at Jinyoung and Mark laughed along. Not because of Jinyoung. Because he missed that giggle so much. He's been waiting for so long to hear that giggle again. And now he finally heard it, with his own ears.

"Hey Mark, doesnt Lauren look like the girl on your wallet pictu-"

"YAH JB~~~!!!" Mark yelled making Jb suprisingly stop talking.

He didnt want Lauren to know that he kept a picture of her at their prom. That time, Lauren didnt have a date. Same with Mark. Mark while sitting at the table at the side of the dance floor, stared at the dancing Lauren with her friends. He took out his phone and took a stolen shot at her.

The picture. Lauren wearing a blue dress, her hair was brown and curled beautifully, her long eyelashes that Mark loved, her pink lips, her flawless skin, the way she dances. Even though she was wearing that amazing dress, she can still dance amazingly.

Mark kept the picture, developed it, and put it in his wallet. The other members saw the picture in his wallet.

Since they take Mark's money without permission sometimes... ( Jackson: "yah! Author! Dont tell them that one too!!" Author: "Mianhae Jackson, i was just being honest..xD" )

Jb just smirked. He knows his lovely members too much. So he knows why Mark stopped him from telling. He parked infront of the park thats located at the center of LA.

"Thanks Guys..." Lauren thanked them with a smile on her face.

"No problem... i'll walk you there." Mark said. Lauren nodded. She climbed off the van after she waved goodbye to the others. Mark followed behind Lauren. Liza followed them, but with Jackson behind him aswell.

"This is the fountain...well this is my stop." Lauren said as she stopped infront of the park's water fountain.

"Oh okay. Uhm...Lauren.. can i...have your number??" Mark asked while rubbing the back of his neck, feeling nervous. He hates getting rejected, he hopes Lauren will say yes.

"Yeah sure. Here." She handed Mark her phone.

Then she remembered. Her wallpaper is Mark. The picture that Liza showed her last night. Before Mark could open the phone, she snatched her phone away and Mark looked at her weirdly.

"Uhh... how about i'll just put mine on your phone? My phone has uh...its...slow..." Lauren tried to find a reason.

Mark nodded and handed her his phone. Lauren opened the phone and his wallpaper was a girl wearing a blue dress, facing back. only the back of the dress and the brown wavy hair is seen. She thinks it looks like her prom dress back at highschool.

She clicked the contacts. She put her number there and gave it back to Mark with a smile on her face.

"Here. Just text me and i'll text you back." Lauren said as Mark took his phone from her.

"Bye..." Mark mumbled. He felt sad, he is going to say goodbye. He really hates goodbyes.

"Mark wait!" Lauren called when Mark turned around, he turned around again to face Lauren but the next thing he knew is something soft was on his cheek.

It was Lauren...pecking his cheek.

"Thank you Mark. Bye!!" Lauren waved.

Mark's ears burning red. His cheeks were the shade of red. A smile wont disappear from his lips. He was so happy. When he was far from Lauren. He hopped countless times and punched his fist in the air.

"Yez!" He yelled happily.



Heyyyyyy~~~~!!!! 😉😉😉

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