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The Kim Family has arrived in Korea. They sat on the seat of their limousine and drove to their home. or mansion.

The time they arrived, they were greeted by lovely maids. Smiling brightly.

"Annyeong Ms.Lauren. we are your maids. Im Jina, this is Lin and Su." Jina said.

They look like their in their 30's.

"Annyeong, please just call me Lauren, aunties." Lauren bowed and smiled back.

"Aigoo~~im going to take care of a sweet girl." Auntie Lin said.

"Come on dear, let me lead you to your room." Auntie Su said.

She put her palm on Lauren's back and led her upstairs to her room. They made a little chat during their walk, Lauren told her some things about her favorite food, her talents, and about her and Liza aswell.

They stopped infront of a light blu door, a little whitish too. She turned the knob and when she opened it. Lauren saw an amazing bedroom.

"Is this my room?" Lauren asked.

"Ne, your parents told us you like color blue, thats why me, Lin, and Jina decorated it nicely for you." Auntie Su said.

"Oh, gomawo Auntie. And---OMO! IS THAT A GUITAR!!" Lauren squealed as she ran to the blue guitar at the side of her big queen sized color blue bed.

"Yes." Auntie Su laughed while looking at Lauren who was smiling widely while looking at the guitar.

Lauren run her hands through the strings. Then she noticed her name, carved on the guitar. She looked at Auntie Su with wide eyes and a big smile. Then she played a tune as she put the guitar on her lap while sitting on the carpeted floor.

"I didnt know you can play this good." Auntie Su said as she walk nearer to her.

"Well, get ready, your going to have a tour later in your house. Change into other clothes." Auntie Su instructed.

Lauren nodded her head and Auntie Su smiled before she closed the bedroom door.

Lauren put her guitar on her bed carefully, then walked around. Her walls were mostly made of glass, she has a big color blue queen sized bed, a human sized teddy bear at the left side of the bed,  and a little desk at the right with a chair. She also has a make up table, a huge mirror, a bathroom, closets, a couch, a flat screen tv, game console, a laptop, and her floor is covered with a sky blue carpet.

Lauren was new to this house. It was way more huge than the one in LA. She thinks that her parents worked really hard to get this house, and to decorate her amazing room.

She walked to the closet, and see that there are also clothes there already. She grabbed her luggage which Auntie Su put it at the side. She pulled out some of her clothes and placed it in her closet.

After placing her things to their rightful place, she changed into another clothes. A highwaist shorts, and a croptop, with a pair of sneakers. She grabbed her phone and exited her room.

She walked to the whitish pink door and opened it, she saw her sister who was sitting on her bed while watching kdrama on the tv.

Liza turned to her and a smile appeared on her face. Lauren hopped on her bouncy pink queen sized bed and they hugged each other.

"Its like were living in a castle, i didnt know mom and dad were this rich while were in LA." Liza said.

"I know right, and we have maids too." Lauren added.

"I have 4 of them, you?" She questioned.

"I have 3. Their so nice to me. Maybe thats why you have 4 because your still a baby and a troublemaker aswell." Lauren said.

Liza playfully slapped her sister's arm and they laughed. A knock was heard from the door.

Uncle Gray's head popped in.

"Girls, do you want to have a tour in the house?" He asked.

"YES!" The both of them answered.

Uncle Gray gave them a tour. They have a living room, a kitchen, a big dining room, a dance room/ dance studio for Liza and Lauren, a garden with a swing, frontyard, fountain at the front of the house, a swimming pool, a library, there is the room where the maids and butlers sleep, and a big garage where all their cars are parked.

Lauren and Liza felt like living in a perfect house. *like wtf, we have a dance room!* Lauren thought. She can already tell that her favorite part in the house is going to be the dance room.

After the loooong tour. The two girls went in their rooms and crashed on the bed. Their feet hurts from walking around the big mansion. Lauren's maids helped her remove her sneakers, and when they did, Lauren was already asleep. Auntie Lin took her phone out of her hand and placed it on the desk. Auntie Lin put covers on her. The maids exited her room and left her sleeping peacefully in her room....


~ Dream ~

"I will never ever leave you, Lexxa." Mark whispered while he was hugging Lauren tightly.

"Please. no matter what happens. Just stay." She whispered to him.

"Yes Jagi." Mark answered.


"Your mine! He's not the one for you! I am!" A guy shouted.

Lauren was running on the streets, her clothes were ripped and her skin has cuts.

She was breathing heavily, she didnt know where to go. All that matters is that she wants to be away from that crazy guy who was following and shouting at her.

"No matter where you run, you know i will always catch you!!" The guy shouted.

Lauren stopped running when she couldnt see anything but just pitch black.

Then a bright flash of yellow light was infront of her, and she heard a loud beep.


It was a truck, she closed her eyes, expecting a big hurtful impact. But she was pushed away.

She landed on the rocky ground.

She looked back...

Only seeing....


Laying on the ground....with blood...everywhere....


His eyes closed.


"MAAARKKK!!" Lauren yelled.

her maids dashed in her room, worry in their eyes.

"Lauren!? What happened?!" The maids asked as they run to their side, rubbing her back.

She only had a crush on Mark.

But in what happened in her dream. It was painful, not physically, but mentally. It hurt her, it pained her, seeing Mark on that moment, its like she is the one who's dying.

She was crying hardly, big ball of tears falling from her eyes. Auntie Lin rushed outside and seconds after, she returned in her room with a glass of water in her hands.

She handed it to Lauren, she gulped on the water, but she cant stop crying.

It was 2 am....

And there she was...




Omo!!!! What happened to Mark Oppa?!


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