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I sat in my bed wide awake. It's another day. Another day of being different. I'm what you might call special. I experience things in different ways than everyone else. I'm not sure why or how or even what I have that's different than others, all I know is that I have whatever it is and I have to live with it. 

I noticed my differences to others at a young age. Other people spoke softly and without any change in there voice. Their lips never turned up or down like mine, and they never cared about anything, except for the rules. They followed the rules to a tee and would follow a strict schedule everyday without a complaint, and they always seemed to be missing some sort of sparkle in their eyes. 

I however spoke in different pitches and had different expressions on my face. I always seemed to care about others and wanted to do my own thing. I had a sparkle in my eyes, I always saw the sparkle when I looked in the mirror. I also noticed I see things differently than others. 

People would always describe things things as pale or dark, but I would see things not just as pale or dark, but something else. Something unfamiliar to me, or to anyone really. 

I sigh as I finally pull myself out of bed and wander out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I sit myself down on a wooden stool at the dinner table. The other members of my family walk down the stairs in their neatly ironed clothes that all match. 

"In uniform as usual," I mutter to myself as I leaned my head onto my hand which was propped up on the table. 

They all sat down in their respective spots and my mother spoke up. 

"Sean, you are still in your sleepwear. The rule is to get dressed in regular wear before you come down to eat the first meal of the day. Can you please get dressed?" 

"Yeah." I got up from the table knowing that she asked a rhetorical question. I pushed in my chair and started to walk up stairs. 

"Sean, you must excuse yourself in proper manner before you can leave, the rules say so," My father said calmly.

"May I please be excused?" I asked biting my lip. I wanted to scream at them, but I decided that doing so wouldn't help me along in my morning, so I kept shut. 

"Yes you may." My family spoke all together. I then walked upstairs and into my room closing my door behind me. I sighed and walked to my closet. I hated how all of my clothes were the same. Everyone's were, but no one thought anything of it except for me. 

I slid on a pair of pants and a button-up shirt and a tie, taking as much time as I want, as I was trying to avoid spending time at the table with my family. I just don't think I could do it today. I looked into the mirror and saw my lips drooping a bit today, then left my room and walked downstairs. 

I had spent enough time up there to pass breakfast and now it was time for me to go to school. My whole family left at the same time. My mother and father were leaving for work and my sister and I were leaving for school. 

We all walked outside and I saw the same thing happening all down the street. The parents were leaving for work and the two children were leaving for school. I sigh at how similar everything is. It's unfortunate really. 

However I suck it up and go to school. Upon arriving I see the same sight I saw yesterday. A long straight line of students waiting patiently to enter the school in the same position with the same look on their face. This picture is getting harder and harder to look at as each day passes. 

I then go ahead and join the line with my sister in front of me. As I wait I shuffle my feet and look around at the school yard. Very, very bland. There is nothing but grass with a sign stating the yard rules. I sigh and I see the line start to move. I move along with it until I pass the entrance and break out of the line and follow a much faster way to get to my locker. 

Normally, you have to walk in the line until they pass your locker and you step out. I however find that to be quite time-consuming. I just hop out right at the start and wander down what's supposed to be the end of the hallway. I just stop at my locker and grab all the necessities and head to my class. 

I'm always the first one there, I have gotten questioned before but I always answer with 'I have a locker close by.' Not true, but it gets me more time to myself. 

I slide down into my seat in the back of the class. I sit there awhile, slouching, not really paying attention while other people slowly pour into the classroom. It wasn't until the lesson actually started when I was called out on both my lack of posture and lack of attention. 

"Sean McLoughlin, please sit up in your seat and pay attention. This is the fifth rule you have broken this week. It seems that you do not remember the rules which means that you must read the rules again. I have a copy of the rules here." My teacher spoke up as she walked over to my seat and handed me the copy. 

"I apologize for breaking the rules. Thank you for this copy." I said in a flat tone. This is one of the biggest rules. Manners.

"I accept your apology. Now class lets get on with the lesson." 

I payed attention all throughout the lesson and did what I was supposed to, until finally the bell rang signalling that it was time for the mid-day meal and the time we get to refresh before beginning another lesson. 

I went ahead and ate my meal quickly, giving me more time to myself. I hurried to our small school library and decided to research about the things that make me different. I didn't expect to find anything, but I did. 

I found very old articles from hundreds of years ago that talked about what I feel and see. Apparently what I see are called colors, the colors have their own names as well. Some are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and many more. I looked up from the computer screen I was researching on. I now knew what surrounded me! I started pointing out the colors I saw around me. 

I then started to dig deeper hoping there was an old article that explains what I experience. I found a simple article about it. It described what I felt perfectly. I looked at what it's called. 


And there we have it. The first chapter of my new book! Hopefully that wasn't too crazy to follow. I hope you enjoyed! Bye!

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