Je T'iame

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 "Tu es beau," Soleis comes up behind me and whispers into my ear, and I groan. She keeps whispering these things into my ear, in what I can only assume is French. She's fluent, which I found kinda crazy, considering that it's so hard to learn. "Ta beauté est aveuglante." I turn around and pick her up. 

 "What does that mean?" She shakes her head. "Je ne vais pas vous dire." I drop her onto the couch and walk into the kitchen. "You're impossible." 

"I know." I turn around and roll my eyes at her. "So now you speak English?" She nods. "Yeah. I just like having an advantage in what I can say. You don't get any of what I'm saying, so I can speak my mind all I want." 

I walk back over to her and sit next to her on the couch, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. I lean in and whisper to her, "Ojalá pudiera decirte que te amo." I wish I could tell you I love you. She doesn't know Spanish, so I can speak my mind. Or, so I think.

"Yo también te amo." I love you too. I groan. She speaks Spanish and French! What other languages does she know? And I just told her I love her. For the first time. I guess that's a way to do it, in another language, but I would've rathered telling her in English. 

I shake my head and smile at her. "You've got to stop doing that." She's confused. 

"Doing what?"

"Saying things that make me want to kiss you." She giggles and takes the collar of my shirt and pulls me towards her, kissing my lips gently. I wrap my arms around her waist and press my lips against hers harder. Her arms find their way around my neck, and her hands into my hair. She separates from me slowly, sneaking a peek up at my eyes. Her smile grows larger, and she pecks my lips quickly, before wiggling out of my grasp. 

"Rappelez-vous juste que vous êtes belle!" She says as she walks into the kitchen. I shake my head; whatever that means. It seems I'm learning something new about her every day; yesterday was me learning she could do a split, and the day before I learned she could sing like an angel. 

Jamma walks up to me and rubs against my legs, and I pick her up. She purrs and snuggles into my lap, and I stroke her fur unconsciously. Soleis walks back over with her sketchbook, and a pencil, and starts drawing something. She's on the other side of the couch, so I can't see what she's doing. She keeps glancing back up at me, and I can only imagine what she's drawing. As her eyes dart back up at me, I lean towards her, to see what she's doodling. She closes the book immediately and gets up, pressing it to her chest. I roll my eyes.

"Why don't you ever let me see your drawings?" She shakes her head.

"Parce qu'ils sont de vous." She walks into our room and I can hear her open a laptop. She starts typing for a few minutes and then comes back out, then into the bathroom. She turns on the shower and I walk into the bedroom. I see the computer open to google translate and it has French to English in it. I see 'Souviens-toi juste que tu es belle' and its translation. It goes to 'just remember that you're beautiful'. A happy tear rolls down my cheek, and I look at the other tabs open. 'je t'aime' to 'I love you'. 'Tu es beau' to 'you're beautiful'. 'Ta beauté est aveuglante' to 'your beauty is blinding'. Tears are freely flowing now, and I wish I had Soleis to squeeze right now. As I think that, the bathroom door opens and Soleis walks in, wrapped in a towel. I get up and walk over to her, promptly hugging her. She's a bit startled, but willingly melts into the hug after a moment. Her arms wrap around my waist, and she looks up at me.

"Je t'aime." She says. I smile.

"I love you too." She stands on tiptoe and plants a kiss on my lips, one arm around my waist and the other holding up her towel. I squeeze her one last time, and then let her go. She walks over to the dresser and puts on clothes; a crop top and low-rise pants. Most of her stomach is visible, and I smile. I love it when she wears stuff like that, I've never been confident enough to wear clothes that way. She walks over to me and hugs me tightly. I pick her up and kiss her lips lightly, and carry her into the living room. We sit together while she reads, and I watch her eyes scan over the pages. I plant a kiss on her head and she closes her book. She leans back into my chest and starts dozing off. I smile down at her and lean down to whisper in her ear.

"Je t'aime, Soleis." She snuggles into me and falls asleep entirely. I wrap my arm around her and start dozing off as well, snuggled into my favourite person in the world.


Also, at the beginning of each little story we are going to put little images that either we created or  fans created. So if any of you want to make something or draw something, get that to me and I'll feature it at the top (and give you the appropriate credit). Speaking of credit, I just used a random image for the cover and I'm not really sure if it belongs to someone. So if it's yours or you know the owner would be upset with me using it, let me know.

🖤Bye and thank you for reading! 🖤

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