Dear Diary (highschool au)

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Aries Pov

Dear Diary,
    I'm in trouble and I know it. Until now, I was comfortable with not being out. I was comfortable with just knowing, and just having a few people know. But now, everything is different. Now she's in my life, and now nothing is comfortable.
    She's some sort of gay, everyone knows that much. So I could possibly have a chance (if she knew I was bi, that is). It may not matter if I'm out or not, because she still may not be interested in me. She's an artist, and plays the violin, for fucks' sake. She's cultured and fashionable and cute, and I'm just me.
    I'm just tall, awkward Aries. So what, I might have blue hair, and that's cool, but I'm nothing interesting. Not compared to someone like her.

Soleis' Pov

Dear Diary,
    the days have been intolerable. i know that's dramatic, but i'm a teenager, so i believe it's allowed. do you remember that cute girl i told you about? (maybe not, i talk about cute girls a lot). but the really cute one. the one with the hair and the blush and ahh.
    i'm smitten.
    there's no way she's heterosexual, my gaydar is too good for that, but "gay" does not mean "into me".

Aries' Pov

Dear Diary,
She?? Talked?? To?? Me?? We were in fourth period and she comes up to me and says "hey, do you want to study with me after school at the library?"
    My heart sped up and my cheeks warmed, but I managed an "um, okay".
    I'm actually typing this on my phone (to be transferred onto paper later), because I feel like I need to capture this raw freak-out moment. Because I'm freaking out. What does this mean?? Probably nothing, but a girl can dream.

Soleis' Pov

Dear Diary,
    she's even cuter up close.

Aries' Pov

Dear Diary,
    I know I haven't written in a while, but that's just because so much has happened. In just two weeks, Soleis has gone from a faraway crush to one of my closest friends. I now it seems rushed, but there are some people you just match with. Soulmates (or that's what the internet calls them anyways).
     But now I have a dilemma. What do I do about my crush? Do I ask her out? Try to kiss her?

Soleis' Pov

Dear Diary,
    i'm going to do it. i'm going to march up to her and ask her out. I'm going to be honest and just tell her how i feel.

Aries' Pov

Dear Diary,

Soleis' Pov

Dear Diary, i'm either the luckiest girl alive, or the universe wanted us together. i didn't expect her to say yes, or to like me back, i just had to say something. the tension was absolutely killing me.
so i did it.
and now we're dating.
so if someone has found this diary, years later, or if you're some snoop reading this, my advice is to go for it.
she might just say yes.

Aries' Pov

Dear Diary,
    I gave up on keeping a diary, but I rediscovered this in my closet and decided you deserved an update.
    Two days ago, Soleis and I celebrated our six-month anniversary. I've never been happier. I feel like I'm emitting warmth because she's in my life. I feel like I could survive any fall because she's here to catch me.
    Six months ago, I never thought I could be this infatuated with you.
    That just shows that you never know how it's going to get if you aren't willing to ride out the storm.

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