Happy Valentine's Day (pt.2)

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Dear Aries,

You are absolutely the most important person in my life. Valentine's day is the day to appreciate those that you love, and I can confidently say that I love you more than anything in this entire universe. You are the light at the end of the tunnel that is life. You are my lifeline. You are the reason that I never have a completely horrid day. You are the reason I need to live.

Aries, when I first met you I was scared to all hell and back. I didn't know how to act around you. She's my soulmate, I told myself. She's going to love me and I'm going to love her.

But both of us had just gone through some very scary experiences with the you-know-whos. I was terrified that my world would come crashing down and I'd never be happy. But then I saw your eyes light up when I talked about Harry Potter on that first date. I knew at that moment that you were the one for me. I knew then that I love you. I will never stop loving you. Yknow how at weddings they say "till death do you part"? Well, I'll love you beyond death.

Aries, you are the most beautiful person in the world. When I first saw you I almost melted. I know you think that when you blush you don't look pretty, but I can beg to differ. In seconds you'll go from porcelain to tomato, but I love that about you. The way you pause and your cheeks heat up, and even your ears get a tinge of pink. When you get flustered, I can't help but want to make you even more nervous. Your skin is as soft as silk, and your ass is perfect for grabbing. Yes, you're like a head taller than me, but I take advantage of the fact that I almost always have a great view. Your face is perfectly symmetrical, but also flawed in the right way, what with your freckles and that little mole on your jaw. All of the little things about you make me love you even more. Every mark on your skin is another reason to love you.

And another thing about you: your personality. You, Aries, are the single most caring human I know. You are so kind, and generous, and sweet, and a million other adjectives. I don't deserve you, but here we are. I'm yours, and you're mine.

I may not say it a lot, but I try to show it.

I love you, Aries.

Being your wife has hands down been the best thing since existence. I can't put into words how much I love you, so that's why I'm always trying to sneak kisses or cuddles or anything like that. I want to show you how much I really love you. I want to be able to have you know how much you really mean to me.

I love you so goddamn much.

Thank you for being you, Aries. Thank you for sticking with me when I'm mad at you, when I'm sad, when I'm pissed off at literally everything. I need you to know how much I love you, Aries. I don't care how I have to show you, I'll do it. You're my everything.

Happy Valentine's day,

Your wife forever and ever,


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