Behind Closed Doors

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 I woke up to a sunny room, a fluffy bed, and a cat. But, best of all, my girlfriend. She was still sound asleep, and I could see her chest rising and falling peacefully. Her long hair was everywhere, spread on the pillows, the blankets, and even her face. I noticed, with a smile, that she was wearing one of my large tee shirts. I carefully got out of bed, not wanting to wake her, and went into the living room for some coffee.

About an hour later, as I was scrolling through my Tumblr, I heard Soleis whining from the bedroom. She always does that, when I'm not there and she wakes up. I close my laptop and get up, walking back into the bedroom. I'm greeted by a small figure, leaning against the doorframe. Her hair is all over the place, and she looks like she's mad. She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Where were you?"

"Awake." She rolls her eyes and holds out her arms. Even when she does that, the shirt goes to her knees. I smile and pick her up, and she wraps her arms around my neck. She yawns, and I carry her into the living room, where I was sitting. I set her on the couch and get her a cup of coffee.

"Two sugars, right?" She nods and I pour the sugar packets into her cup and add some milk. I bring the cup back to her and she sips it. I sit next to her and wrap my arm around her waist, and she leans into me. So we sit like that for a few minutes, enjoying the company of the other.

 After Soleis finishes her coffee, she puts the cup away and comes back to sit with me. I can slowly see her usual feistiness coming back, but I enjoy the downtime when she's sweet and not always stealing kisses and my innocence. She sits in the crook of my arm, her head rested on my shoulder.

A few hours later, we're completely awake, and Soleis has returned to her normal state. She hasn't bothered to get dressed, but put on some shorts. Not that it makes a difference. We're sitting in bed watching TV, and we've made a nest in the blankets. I'm up against the wall, with pillows behind me, and Soleis is in between my legs, leaning against me. We're both wrapped in our duvet, and my arms are around her waist.

As a commercial comes on, Soleis gets up and walks into the bathroom, and starts brushing her teeth. I follow her lead, and after two minutes both have fresh breath. Soleis takes the chance as we walk out and kisses me, jumping up and wrapping her arms around my neck to do so. I'm taken by surprise but soon find myself again. I grab her thighs and pull her up, so she's level with me. I walk us over to the bed, and set her down.

Soleis is relentless and pulls me onto the bed as well. Soon, she's straddling my hips, and her arms are around my neck, her hands entwined in my hair. I grab her butt lightly, and she separated from me. She left a light trail of kisses down my neck and I shuddered, as she made her way to my ear. Her voice was slightly rough, and there was something about it that made me want more of her.

"We haven't done this in a while, eh?" It was true. We hadn't kissed like this for a few months now, and I think we both had been craving it. She pushed my hair from my neck, gently sucking on a spot near my shoulder. I wasn't sure if she would leave a mark, but I didn't really care. She moved back to my lips, and she kissed me slowly at first. Our lips moved in sync, as if we had rehearsed it.

Soleis but my bottom lip gently, and I gasped. She took the chance and entered my mouth, our tongues dancing. A million thoughts rushed through my head, but I was too caught up in the moment to realize what any of them were. I wrapped one arm around her waist, and the other made its way into her hair. Even when it was messy from sleep, it was still soft, and I could smell her shampoo. Her scent was intoxicating, and I wondered how she kept it so vivid.

Soleis separated, and she looked into my eyes for a second. Her breathing was uneven, but as she smiled at me, I knew that she loved me as much as I love her. I kissed her nose and leaned my forehead against hers. As our breathing evened as we laid together.

We stayed close together, Soleis pressed into my chest. My arms were wrapped around her waist, and her hair was right under my nose. I breathed in her scent, savouring my time with her alone. Recently we've both been busy, our jobs and schools getting the most of our time. We have time for each other of course, but not much. It's always go, go, go.

I felt Soleis relax and knew she had fallen asleep. I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes as well. The last thing I remembered before falling asleep was her snuggling into the crook of my chest.

. . . . . . . . . .


I woke up to Aries' arms around me. The quick flood of memories of the minutes before we slept made me smile and blush slightly. I pressed my ear to where Aries' heart was and heard it beating steadily. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the closeness we shared at that moment, and snuggled into her more. She felt my movement and started to wake up, wrapping her arms around me tighter. She kissed my head.

"Morning, sunshine." She said, and I rolled my eyes. I hate it when she calls me that.

"Morning, sunsign," I retaliate, but she just giggled and smiled against my head. I looked up at her, and her eyes sparkled. I love to wake up to her, and this was a proper waking up, if I do say so myself. I move up and kiss her lips lightly, resting my head on the pillow next to her. She kissed my lips firmly, and I giggled.

 "I'm not discouraging you from having another snogging session with me," I start, "But right now I just want to enjoy your company. Where nobody can see us. Just you and me."

"That sounds nice."

 "I love you." She smied brightly and kisses my forehead.

"I love you too."


Hey! This is just a little fluffy oneshot before the wedding. (That'll be the next one, I promise).

The drawing was a representation of the simple bird sketch that Soleis showed Aries all those years ago.

Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll see you next month!


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