C h a p t e r O n e

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"Miss, miss can you hear me?"

I squinted my eyes at the bright light shining from above. I looked at my surroundings, I was on a stretcher and I had at least four doctors pushing me around and staring at me.

"Hunters found her about an hour ago." I heard a woman say.

"Does she fit the missing persons

"It doesn't matter, we need to get her to immediate care now!" I heard another voice say, a man this time.

Everything ached as I heard all their voices merge into one, "ALL CLEAR!"

•5 Hours Earlier•

I opened my eyes to two men in an empty parking lot. I was in a car with my hands tied. Panic immediately took over my body. It was dark but I could see the bruises around my wrists. How long have I been tied up? My mind flodded with terrifying scenarios about how I got here. My stomach ached, I don't think I've eaten in days. I tried to scream, break away, anything to get the men's attention. I stopped when they spoke.

"YOU CANT CUT ME OFF! SHE'LL WAKE UP SOONER WITHOUT IT." He said with a hushed scream.

"Look, at first I didn't know what you were doing with the drugs, but I can't give you that much. Three months is too long, people will get suspicious." The other man said as he walked away.

The door next to me opened, and I received a blow to the head.
I wish I hadn't screamed.

My body ached as I opened my eyes. I was no longer tied up, but I could barely keep my eyes open. My head pounded. I looked around as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. What happened? Where am I? I thought as I struggled to stand up. I was in a small wooden room, a shed mabye? It was cold. I tried to say something to myself so I knew I was alive. I wish I wasn't. My mouth was dry, I needed water. It's a dream, everything's a dream. I caught a glimpse of light just as my legs gave out, causing me to collapse to the floor.

I couldn't move, I just laid there. Still- I heard birds chirping outside. I envy their freedom. -alive Did anyone miss me? I missed me. I looked down at my legs, skinner than ever. I was wearing my shirt, my shorts, my sanity.

Still alive, still breathing, I wish I wasn't. That's all I knew.

•Present time•

I woke up with my head still pounding as the orange light showed through the window. The sun was setting as I looked around, I was in a hospital room. I looked to my right where I saw a heart monitor and tubes going into my skin. I could hear a steady beep from the heart monitor. That's good I guess? On my left I saw the door and a curtain blocking the harsh light on the other side. I noticed the figure sitting in the chair closest to me, it was a man. He looked tired, his curly hair was greasy, his elbows rested on his knees as his palms rested on his eyes. It looked like he was sleeping, or sobbing. After a moment his big hand held mine, still not looking at me. To feel the warmth of his hand after I woke up in a freezing shed, but he was shaking, he was trembling. Sobbing. He missed someone. I weakly squeezed his hand as he sniffled. He slowly lifted his head as our eyes met. His eyes were clouded, and his nose was shiny, tinted red. He blinked at me. Why? Who was he? Why was he here while no one else was? He stared at me with helpless eyes. He hasn't slept in days. I thought as he swallowed hard. I watched his Adam's apple go down and then back up. He was in shock. He missed me.

"Sp- Spencer?" His voice broke as he clenched my hand tighter.

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