C h a p t e r F i v e

12 2 1

•Halloween 2016•

"Just try some."

"There's nothing to lose."

"Stop being such a buzzkill."

"Hey if you really don't want to drink, you don't have to." I looked up at him, it was just Adam's friend. He was wearing a red flannel, jeans, and round glasses. His lip curled into a smile as the others left, leaving us alone.

"So, where's Anthony?" He asked as I gave him a confused look.

"Oh, I'm Tim, Adam's friend." He said, extending his hand. Adam and I broke up about five months ago, but we ended on good terms.

"Things are great, but he's sick at home, I'm Spencer." I added, shaking his hand and sipping my water.

"I know." He muttered as he grinned. What's that supposed to mean? What the hell? Who says things like that? I had to leave this conversation, I had to leave this party. "You're over reacting."I thought. But you can never be too safe, Anthony's probably wondering where I am anyways.

"I'm just going to call him, he's probably feeling better." I said grabbing my phone.

"No!" He yelled, causing me to freeze.

"I mean, why bother him, he's sick. I'll drive you home." He smiled again. I had a really bad feeling about this, but he was Adam's friend. I gave Tim a nod as he lead me to his car.

I got in and he immediately started driving, I just started out the window and tried to keep my eyes open. I looked at the buildings and familiar houses, I forgot to give him my address. I opend my mouth to tell him but something stopped me.

He was already going the right way. He was going the right way but I didn't give him my address. This was now getting dangerous. Why would Adam's friend know my address?

"I never gave you my address." I heard my voice crack.

"I know." He said as he pulled over, my heart was racing.

"But we aren't going to your house." He snicked as he threw a rag over my mouth and nose.

Everything went black.

•Present Time•

"He should tell you that himself."

Dr. Connor's voice rang in my head as he left the room so I could "rest." The man looked devastated when he left the room. I needed to know who he was, who he was to me.

"Ms. Parks? You have a visitor." A different nurse opened the door and spoke. I leaned my head back, my head was spinning.

"Spencer! We're so glad to see you!" It was my mom and dad, that I left. Once I turned 18, I had the money to get my own apartment and leave, so I did. The part that my parents didn't like is that I didn't tell them until about a month later. My parents only cared that I was bringing home enough money. They would take about 50% and put it to my "college fund." My parents were almost never sober when I was around, so I figured that they wouldn't notice. But I was wrong. After I left, my parents hardly had any money left for themselves. Some people say that I was being selfish, others cheered me on. I just kept on running and never looked back. But I guess that's how I got into this mess.

"We were so worried about you!" My mom gave me a hug as the nurse closed the door. Once the nurse's footsteps were gone, my mother's smile disappeared.

"Where the hell have you been!" My father finally spoke, I could smell the alcohol from his breath.

"You left us with no money! Your mother had to work three times a week!" My father yelled again, waiting for an answer. When I left, my mother was working two days a week. It must've been "so hard" to sober up for another day.

"Leave." I muttered. My parents looked at me as my jaw clenched. It didn't have to be this way.

"Now." I said as I looked up at them. There was no sign of them leaving.

"Go!" I screamed, they looked at me with anger as they slowly shuffled to the door. The nurse rushed in, assuming that something happened with all the yelling. Once my parents left she cleared her throat.

"You have another visitor." I looked at the door as our eyes met and I gasped as his lip curled into a smile.

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