C h a p t e r T e n

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We ate our pasta in silence untill I finally had to say something.

"You know they found Spencer right?" I asked, coming off way too blunt. Nathan finished chewing his food and swallowed before he spoke.

"Yea, I was actually out of town, but Dr. Connor called me. I just came back a couple hours ago." He motioned over to the suitcases and bags that I must've missed at the door. "Is she okay? How bad is her condition?" He asked, I could hear his voice getting softer. He missed her, who didn't miss Spencer?

"She was fine when I talked to her. Her hair is shorter and she's thinner." I really didn't want to tell Nathan that she didn't remember, but I didn't want to leave it out either. He was her best friend, he deserved to know. I lowered my head as Nathan grabbed Tyler's hand.

"But Nathan, Spencer, sh-she, she doesn't remember me." It came out so raw, so broken as I sobbed. I didn't care if Nathan or Tyler were here, I was sobbing. I felt the warm tears roll down my cheek. I looked up at Nathan who was starting at me with big eyes and slightly parted lips.

"What do you mean 'she doesn't remember me.' Anthony what happened?" Nathan said as he stood up to sit beside me. He nodded to Tyler before putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Her kidnapper, he gave her drugs mixed with booze and she can't remember me-" I was cut off by Nathan pulling my face into his chest and softly cooing me.

"Shhhhh, hey it's alright." He whispered as he placed his hand on the back of my head.

"It's just so hard. She probably remembers you, she's know you forever." I choked as I leaned back into Nathan's chest.

"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it." He whispered as he stroked my head and pulled away, revealing my tear stained and red face.

"I just love her so much." I sniffled as I hugged him. At first he was a little shocked that I'd hugged him, but he hugged back after a second or so. His grip tightened one last time before I pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come here." I sniffled as Tyler walked behind the couch and hugged my neck. "She just had an 'episode' and Dr. Connor thinks that I'm the source of it." I continued after Tyler had finished hugging me.

"You can stay as long as you'd like, don't worry about it." Nathan said as he got up, taking our empty bowls to the kitchen.

"Can I just take a nap for a bit?" I asked as I reached for the folded up blanket and kicked my shoes off.

"Of course you can." Nathan said as he put the dishes in the dishwasher. I shut my eyes but I could still hear him and Tyler talking.

"Woah, I've never seen a straight guy cry like that." Tyler said to Nathan.

"Shut up! He really loves her." Nathan whispered, nudging Tyler a bit.

"I'm just saying, Spencer is in for the long haul." He whispered. I didn't want to hear this. Nathan sounded hesitant, as if he should correct his boyfriend's words. He didn't, instead he changed the subject. I just shut my eyes and hoped to fall asleep.

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