Ben X reader

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You sighed broadly and sat back. Your video game obsessed boyfriend invited you over to spend time with him but all he wanted to do was play his fucking video games! He said he would let you join as soon as he finished the level but five levels latter and you still weren't playing! You tried to get his attention but he just ignored you! Was video games really more important than you?
"Ben I'm bored!" You cried out.
Once again he just ignored you.
You groaned and grabbed paper and a pen.
'If video games are really that important to the point where you act like I'm not here maybe you should be with them instead! We're through!' You slammed the paper beside him and stormed out of the mansion. You couldn't help but get teary eyed as you walked out. You really liked Ben but if this is how it was always going to be than there was really no point in being with him anymore.
You walked over to the river where you had first met him.
He has saved your life.
It only felt like yesterday when you were about to fall in but a pair of arms stopped you before you could.
Back than he actually paid attention to you and showed that he loved and cared about you. So what happened? We're you not as interesting anymore? You hugged your knees close and cried silently. Why did this stuff always happen to you?
You felt a pair of arms wrap around you. You looked up to see EJ.
EJ had been like a brother to you and always looked out for you.
"What's wrong sis?" He asked as he stroked your hair.
You sighed quietly and told him everything. He frowned and pulled you close.
"Want me to talk to Ben for you?" He asked.
You shook your head "What's the point? He's probably already taken my advice and started dating his video games..."
EJ couldn't help but laugh a bit and soon you were laughing while crying with him.

Ben's POV
I couldn't believe this. I didn't want to believe this. I lost her. The only person I gave a damn about and I LOST HER! I fell on the ground in my room sobbing loudly. Why did I let this happen?! And to think today was the say I was finally going to ask her...
I heard a knock at my door but I didn't answer her. I heard someone walk in and pat my back. It was Jeff.
"You messed up." He said to me.
I sighed and curled in a ball. I know I messed up. I lost the love of my life over a stupid game!
"But it's not to late to fix things."
Your POV
EJ had convinced me to spend the night with him cause he didn't think i was stable enough to sleep alone. I sat on the top bunk bed that he had in his room for when I sleep over.
"Ah ah ah you can't sleep just yet." He said.
"EJ I'm not on the mood." I said.
I laid on the bed and closed my eyes.
EJ climbed up and forced me to come down. I groaned as whipped my eyes.
"Keep your eyes closed." He said.
I sighed but obeyed as he lead me out of his room and down the steps. Where was he taking me?
"Alright open." He said.
I opened my eyes and was shocked to see what I was seeing. Ben was in front of me for once out of his link costume and in a suit. What the heck? Before I could say anything he started to talk.
"(Y/N) I am so so sorry I never meant to hurt you or make you feel ignored. I was stupid ignorant selfish and a nut head. And you have every right to be mad and hate me and everything else. But if you do forgive me and want to take me back than I only have one thing to ask you." With that he got down on one knee and pulled a box out from his pocket. He opened it reviling a ring with a heart shaped (f/c) diamond on it.
"(Y/N) will you marry me?" He asked.
Your eyes filled with tears and your hands were over your mouth.
When he saw your face expression he thought he knew the answer. Until you blurted it out.
"YES!!" You yelled out.
Ben looked at you shocked only for you to get down and hug him tightly while crying. He let out a small shaky sigh of relief. He was so scared he had lost you for good.
"I love you (Y/N) and no one and nothing could ever replace you."
You sniffed quietly "I love you to my little gamer."

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