Jeff X Reader part one

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You closed your eyes tiredly. You promised your boyfriend you would stay awake until he got back but you were so fricken tired.
You put on another horror movie to help you stay awake but it didn't help. You closed your eyes and started to drift into a deep sleep. Just before you could you felt someone sit beside you. You reopened your eyes and saw Jane.
"Don't go to sleep you won't wake up." She said.
You rolled your eyes and mumbled for her to shut up. Ever since you and Jeff started dating she's been trying to brake the two of you up.
"Aw come on (Y/N) lighten up." She said as she pulled her knife out.
Before you could get up you felt a pair of arms wrap around you and pick you up. You looked up to see your best friend Toby.
"Fuck off Jane." He said in a dark voice as he walked to the kitchen with you.
You sighed slightly and curled up a bit.
"Thanks Tobias." You said while chuckling lightly.
"No problem (Y/N!" He said in a much more cheerful voice than before.
He sat you down at the table only for you to place your head on it.
"Tired?" He asked.
You nodded "Yeah."
"Sleep than I'll wake you up when Jeff comes."
You nodded "Thanks Tob." And with that you fell asleep.

Jeff's POV
I walked in the house tired as fuck. Killing really takes a toll on you. I looked around the living room to see that (Y/N) wasn't here.
"Maybe she's in the kitchen." I mumble to myself as I walked there.
That's when I stopped dead. Toby was sitting beside MY (Y/N) with his arm WRAPPED around HER!
He looked over at me "Oh hey Jeff (Y/N) fell asleep. I'm just keeping her from falling."
I didn't believe that weasel for a second. I went over and snatched her off the chair and headed back to my room with her. Looks like I'll have to keep a closer eye on her than I thought.


Your POV
Why Jeff wouldn't leave you alone for more than a few minutes was beyond your knowledge. You couldn't do anything without him hovering over you! It was getting kinda annoying not being able to do anything without him watching you.
"Jeff back off for a little ok? You don't have to hover over me all the time!" You finally snapped when he tired to come in the washroom with you.
He growled which caused you to flinch a bit. Despite knowing that he would never hurt you he could get scary at times.
"Why?! So you can go and cheat on me?! So someone can steal you away from me?!"
You froze. Did Jeff really have that little faith in you? You felt your heart brake and your eyes fill with tears.
Jeff noticed this "H hey d don't-"
"IF YOU DON'T TRUST ME THAN MAYBE WE SHOULDN'T BE TOGETHER!" You yelled before walking to your room and slamming the door shut behind you.

//don't worry I will make a part two soon

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