Jeff X Reader Part 2

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You felt completely and horribly broken. Today was supposed to be your and Jeff's one year anniversary. But since you two got in that fight...
Toby stayed with you the entire time. He hugged you and let you cry into his shoulder.
"W-why d-did I h-have to screw e-everything up?" You said threw sobs,
"Hey you didn't screw anything up. You had a right to get mad and yell." Toby told you.
That only made you cry more.
Suddenly LJ barged into your room.
"LJ what the hell are you doing here?!" Toby snapped at him.
"It's an emergency."
You looked at him "w-what is i-it?" You asked.
LJ looked sad "Its Jeff. He's turning himself in."

Jeff's POV
After a few days of me and (Y/N) not talking I finally broke.
She didn't want to be with me anymore. And without her I have nothing to live for.
I kept walking towards the edge of the forest my thoughts only on (Y/N). I loved her so much.
I would give anything just to be at the mansion with her in my arms wearing the gift I got her.
Stroking her (h/c) hair and looking into her amazing (e/c) eyes. She's perfect in every way.
My thoughts were interrupted by something wrapping around my waist from behind. I jumped slightly and looked behind me.
It was (Y/N).
She was sobbing into the back of my sweater and holding onto me for dear life. She tried to talk but her sentences were interrupted by either sobs or hiccups.
I turned around and hugged her close to me. I closed my eyes and sighed listening to her soft sobs.
"Shhhh it's alright princess." I told her quietly."
"I-I'm" hic "so s-sorry J-Jeff..." she said threw sobs.
"Hey don't be sorry." I told her as I rubbed her back.
She cried more and held onto me tightly.
I buried my nose into her hair and took in the sent that I've longed for these last few days. Every part of me craved her.
Shes my drug and nothing can change that.
I pulled her present out from my pocket and put it on her.
She sniffed and watched me.
"W-what a-are you d-doing?" She asked.
I whipped the tears off her beautiful face "look down and you'll see."

Your POV
"Look down and you'll see." He told you.
You looked down and gasped lightly. You were wearing a necklace with something in a small bottle.
"What's I-in the bottle?" You asked.
"A piece of my heart." He said.
You looked up at him shocked. He actually gave you a piece of his heart?!
Before you could say anything he kissed you gently. You kissed back and wrapped your arms around him.
"I'm yours (Y/N) and I wanted to give you something so you always remember that."
You sobbed quietly and hugged him again.
He rubbed your back and carried you back to the mansion.


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