Chapter 5

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Abby's POV

I ride with Tyler, Josh, and Evangeline to the place where the reception is. When we get there, almost everyone is there already, except my dads. I sit down at a table with Brendon, Ryan, Dallon, Gerard, and Frank

 "Where are they?" Brendon asks impatiently, staring at the buffet against the wall.

"I dunno." 

Just as I say that, the door opens and the lovely wedded couple walks in.

"Well speak of the devil." Gerard teases.

My dads walk in and find a table, all while looking quite disheveled and sweaty.

"I figured out why Pete rented that huge limo." Ryan comments.

"Yeah." Brendon agrees. "My god, they didn't even try to hid it."

"Alright, alright, alright. Now that those two finally decided to show up, I say we eat." Joe announces.

Pete and Patrick get their food first, then everyone else gets theirs. When it's time for cake, my dads go up to the triple layer cake and hold the knife together. They cut the first slice then Patrick goes to put it on the plate, but Pete grabs and smashes it into Patrick's face.

"So that's how it's gonna be?" Patrick says and grabs a handful of cake, then shoves it into Peter's face. They go back and forth like that for a bit, before Patrick slips and falls into Pete, who catches him and they kiss. Finally, they stop messing around and it's time to eat the cake...that has now been destroyed.

"Don't worry." Ryan says. "I had a feeling something like that would happen, so I bought another cake." He gets up and bring an identical cake to the table.

This time Ryan cuts it into 'equal' slices, meaning he gave himself the most. Then everyone else gets a slice and eats it. After that music starts playing and it's time for them to dance.

*time skip to a week later*

My dads left for their honeymoon immediately after the reception, so Tyler, Josh, and Evangeline spent the week with us. Evangeline and I spent a lot of time together and we've become really good friends, but today they're coming home!

"Uncle Joe, when are they gonna get here?"

"They said their plane would land about 9."

"In the afternoon?" I ask slyly.

"Yes." He groans. "Must you make everything into a reference?"

"Yes!" I reply excitedly then look at the time. "Ugh, it's only 2."

"How about you and Eva wake Tyler and Josh up to play Mario Kart, while Andy and I work out last minute things for the tour."


I turn to Eva with an evil look on my face. Then we run to the kitchen and fill up a container of ice water. Next we go upstairs to the guest bedroom.

"Ready? 3, 2,1." I whisper then we dump the water on them.

"What the frick?!" Tyler says jumping up.

"Why'd you wake us up?" Josh complains.

"Because it's already 2 and Joe and Andy are busy." I reply

"So?" Tyler asks.

"Don't you want to play Mario Kart with us?" Eva asks mischievously.

They both perk up at the invitation.

"You're on!" Josh yells.

They jump out of bed and grab a towel, then run downstairs, where we're waiting with the controllers.

"Let's make this interesting." Eva says.

"Oh yeah?" I ask.

"Losers have to jump in the pool. Fully clothed."

"Okay, but just a warning, last time something challenged me to Mario Kart, they ended up as a human sundae."

"Well you obviously haven't played us before."

We start the race and immediately we're all fight for first place. Finally, after four races and lots of yelling, the winner is shown.

"YES! I told you I was the best." I shout.

"Dangit! I never lose!" The three of them yell in unison and I wonder who wins when it's just those three when they all 'never lose'.

"Okay you three, pool's out there." I say.

"Why did I suggest this?" Eva wonders aloud.

"Probably because you were getting cocky about your winning streak, and now we're all paying the price." Josh says.

We go outside and I take my phone to record them. Then I go on Instagram and Twitter and post it with the caption: this is what happens when you challenge the queen to Mario Kart!.

They get out of the pool and I give them towels then we go inside.

"I can't believe we agreed to this Josh." Tyler says and Josh nods in agreement.

"Woah, is there a reason those three are soaking wet?" Andy asks.

"I thought I suggested Mario Kart, not 'push twenty one pilots into the pool'." Joe says joining the conversation.

"That's what we did. They lost, so they had to jump in the pool." I reply.

"Don't forget you two jumped water on us to wake us up." Josh adds.

"Honestly, I can't believe you two..." Joe says seriously.

Evangeline and I bow our heads in shame.

"Didn't let me help!" He then yells and chases all four of us outside into the pool again.

After splashing in the pool for a bit, we get out and take showers. Then Tyler, Josh, and Evangeline have to leave. We say our goodbyes then I help Andy make dinner for the three of us. Afterwards, we watch a movie until dad and dad get back.

Around 10:30ish, they arrive home.

"Dads!" I yell when they come through the door.

"Hey Abs! We missed you!" Patrick says.

"Yeah we did!" Pete adds.

"Did you two enjoy yourselves?" Andy asks.

"Yeah." Pete says.

We settle down a bit then we all go to bed.

oh's been 6 months since I updated...oops. but in all seriousness, sorry I haven't updated. I hadn't been feeling any inspiration to write then found my notebook with THE ENTIRE NEXT CHAPTER IN IT THAT I WROTE A MONTH AGO AND NEVER UPDATED!!!like wow Ashley good job

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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