Chapter6- Kisses and Violence

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If he'd knew he'd get this reaction from his Mate. He'd do it a lot more often.

Her kisses seemed playful and innocent while they were sneaky and seductive at the same time.

There tongues battled for dominance, while they're hands roamed far over the forbidden areas. It was like giving a hyper active child a cup of extra sugary caffeine.

Although he loved the feeling of his lips on hers.... something was wrong. It wasn't like a regular Mate attractions that caused this kiss. It felt like... hunger.

We as people only see hunger as in starvation, but its also hunger for money, or love or sexual pleasures... this type of hunger defiantly wasn't the eating or cannibal hunger. It was a needy type of hunger. Hunger to touch and caress his Mate and vice versa.

When he usually got these type of hunger or strong desires he'd simply just them put aside and try to deal with other matters but this time it was different. It was an uncontrollable type of hunger, meaning one thing.... a witch was near.

Blake already knew that even contacting a witch would set off a big advantage for his enemies since witches are very unloyal and wouldn't care to sell his location out to other Alphas.

Since obviously the witch casted a Hunger spell it was only a matter of minutes before his whole staff became unorganized and his enemies would soon strike.

Trapped in his one thoughts he didn't notice his Mate who started undressing.

"Jasmine stop it.... I mean snap out of it Darling, your under a spell" He said making sure to speak to her sweetly not wanting her emotions to cause the spell to erupt

She giggled and ignored him. Straddling him once again she laced kisses around his collar bone.

"Darling.... Sweetie look at me." He pinned her down forcefully and looking in her eyes directly

In response she nodded and complied.

"Bad people are going to attack us if you don't get out of that evil witches spell, and we aren't able to arm up my men and staff so please come back to me" He tried to say in baby, easy like terms

Nodding again in understatement she button up her clothing and stood up waiting for him by the door.

He could obviously see that she was still under the spells trace but ignored it and adjusted his clothes quickly and started aiding his men and staff.

In the end there wan no invasion and his men and staff were clear of the witches spell. His men had sniffed out the witch and beheaded her for her disloyalty to Blake.

The only problem to resolve let was his Mate.

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