15. Surprises

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I'm sitting on the edge of my bed wearing a green summer dress and black flats. From the heavy feeling of my lids, I'm wearing mascara and other eye make ups that I don't remember putting on. Then again I've always gone through life in a bit of a daze, even on my good days...

There's a quick rat-a-tat knock on my bedroom door. I look up curiously, it's probably Will.

"Come in!" I call out as I flop backwards onto my bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Uh, hey Mel." 

My body freezes all over and a knot makes itself known at the bottom on my stomach. An unconscious smile spreads across my face as goosebumps tingle down my arms. 

"Mike?" I ask incredulously.

"The one and only." He starts cockily, then a little more hesitantly he asks: "Were you, uhm, expecting someone else?"

I can picture him ruffling his gorgeous hair in my mind's eye, like he always does when he's nervous.

"Not that I'm aware of." I comfort.

"So why aren't you looking at me?"

"Because..." I bite my lip. Aren't I supposed to be mad at him? Why am I still feeling butterflies? "Because I don't want to open my eyes only to discover you're not really here."

I feel his legs press against mine where they're hanging off the bed. 

"I'm here Mel, stop being weird." He laughs his carefree laugh. It tugs at my heart, could he really be back here? In my room? What for?

"No." I say curtly.

"Please? What can I do to convince you I'm really here, hmmm?"

I can just see the air quotes he's put around "really".

"Good question. What's our secret password?"

"Oh my gosh Mel, I barely remember, didn't we come up with that over 7 years ago?"

"Yup, but the real Mike would know the password, an imposter wouldn't."

"Mel, if I'm just a figment of your imagination right now, I'd know anyway, because as a figment I am part of your brain and thus know everything that you do."

I groan. "Don't go all smart on me now Mike, I'd only just started catching up with the other pretentious crap you spout constantly."

"My heart!" He cries in mock hurt, but I could hear the underlying smile. "Still not looking?"

"Nope." I pop the "p".

"Fine, I guess I'll just have to leave then..." He sighs and his feet shuffle back towards the door.

NOOOO COME BACK! Is my knee jerk reaction. He's being so nice! Maybe I could ignore all the crap he's put everyone through while he's like this? The second he goes back to being an asshole I can scream at him... It's always an option...

Just as I'm about to sit up and open my mouth to tell him to stay I hear two loud thuds coming closer to me. Hands tackle me back onto the bed from my mid-way point. Expert fingers go straight to my sides and start tickling. The pitch of the scream that erupts from the back of my throat would challenge even the most talented opera singer. Mike's familiar scent washes over me as I struggle to breath past his tickling.

"Mike!" I squeal. "Oh! My! God! Mike! Stop! Can't! Breath! Mike! AHHHHHHH!" 

"Nevaaaaar!" He declares, not-once relenting on the tickle attack he's waging on my skin.

"I'm wearing! Wearing! Mike! A dress! Mike! Stop! Oh! My! God!" I'm laughing too hard to speak properly, my limbs flailing in every which way possible. "Please! I promise! I'll open! Eyes! Mike! Promise!" 

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