Bullied!America x Russia

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Requested by Tord_le_Commie

A/N: I kinda changed yah request a little obviously.

Trigger Warning: Mentions of violence and self harm, feelings of worthlessness

Google translate ahead!

Alfred wasn't one to complain, well that is, anymore. He used to be quite the loudmouth, always voicing his opinion, never shutting up, and loving to participate in debates-more arguments than debates-but he loved it all.

But, in the past year Alfred had completely changed, his eyes losing their spark, his voice losing it's confidence, and his body losing it's posture. His signature look was lost too, his jacket and suit outfit was replaced with a hoodie and jeans, sometimes he wouldn't even bother with his glasses either.

Sadly, Alfred was positive none of his friends cared for him anymore, some of them having joined the line of people who would torment him and the others only talking to him once in a blue moon.

Unfortunately, he was mostly right. Alfred barely came up in conversations anymore, and usually the ones talking would sigh for a moment before changing topics. He was a fading thought, a falling star, a disappearing story. But there was still Ivan, the lovesick and very concerned Russian who had watched Alfred's decline, confused. He didn't know why the American was behaving like this now, how could he know?

One day, he'd had enough. He wasn't going to let somebody he loved more than anything in this life suffer alone, he wasn't going to let him be forgotten. When asked why he was writing on hundreds of sticky notes in his room by his older sister he just mumbled; "Because nobody deserves to be forgotten."

When Alfred walked into school the next day, holding the straps of his backpack to keep it from being thrown off of him, he hadn't expected to see a crowd around his locker. He feared the worst and shoved past the group, his mind racing with scenarios; had somebody broken into it? Was it defaced? He knew something had happened he just didn't know what. Of all the things he was afraid of, sticky notes posted on his locker with a compliment on each one wasn't what he expected. He felt the crowd watching him so cautiously he opened his locker, sticky notes spilled out and pooled around his ankles.

He looked behind him as if the culprit would be there like a cliche movie scene but all he saw was the crowd which seemed to have gained members. He was shocked but the crowd looked absolutely shook, he thought they looked more shocked than if they'd all won the lottery. Not that he could blame them, who would be nice to him? He had no idea.

After that, the day progressed as usual. The torment he usually endured was mild, he assumed it was because of locker. The school must be too surprised to mess with him but he knew that soon enough it would go back to it's regular schedule. When school ended he managed to cram all the sticky notes into his backpack, carrying his books as they filled the bag and he didn't want to crush the special messages.

Alfred left the school building after the final bell, beginning to walk home. He'd made it to the parking lot when he felt his books being lifted from his arms and instantly knew he was going to be shoved so he braced himself but didn't expect to be spoken to, "Privet." He looked up to see Ivan, it was an odd meeting to say the least.

"H-Hello?" Alfred cursed his stutter, he didn't used to have one but it had developed over the past year-it made him appear smaller and more vulnerable, like he'd already been torn down so there was no reason to keep attacking him, it was a defense mechanism, but it hardly ever worked.

Ivan simply smiled which confused Alfred, "I will walk you home, da?"

He suspected this was a trap but knew if it was refusing would make things worse, especially since he had his books, "Okay..."

Alfred walked beside him, his head tilted to the ground as he lead him to his place, an apartment building. He'd had a house with his friend, Kiku, but he'd moved out when he'd started feeling like a burden. Plus, Yao told him to move out when people started associating Kiku with Alfred.

"It is small, no?" Ivan tilted his head as Alfred unlocked the door and lead him inside awkwardly, he hadn't expected a guest, nobody had even been inside this apartment besides him.

"I-uh..I don't need much."  Alfred nodded to that and thought of something he could offer to Ivan as he shut the door, maybe food? But he didn't really have anything that was appropriate for guests, just ramen cups and chips, he didn't really have drinks in the fridge either, just a pitcher of water.

He jumped a little when Ivan dropped his books on the box that served as his coffee table, the sound vibrating loudly. Ivan chuckled and he flushed realizing he'd seen his reaction. "Like a little mouse..." He had mumbled.

"A-A what?" Alfred asked, his face pink.

"Nothing, malen'kaya mysh."

"I don't know R-Russian." Alfred said, setting his bag down next to the box.

"That is fine malen'kaya mysh." Ivan said and Alfred then realized he'd been given a nickname, he hadn't had one of those since Arthur still talked to him if you could call 'asshole' a nickname that is. "Anything happen to you today?"

Alfred smiled brightly and started talking a mile a minute as he remembered the sticky notes, he quickly explained it to Ivan as a spark appeared in his eyes, he didn't realize he'd been switching topics until he had gone onto a tangent about how blob fish was endangered. It was then that he realized they'd been talking for hours and he started laughing, the happiness consuming him as he realized he was feeling how he used to before the bullying began.

Unbeknownst to him, Ivan had been delighted to sit there for hours and listen to Alfred, sure he couldn't understand the clusterfuck of words being spat out at him a mile a minute but he could see the light shining in through the dark of the Americans mind.

When the doorbell rang Ivan jumped up to get it much to the American's horror, he never got a visitor so he expected the worst. When Ivan came back in with a box he was confused, who would leave him a package? But the look on Ivan's face was what concerned him the most.

"Wh-What is it?" Everything that had come back in the last hour vanished from Alfred's body.

"It's an um..." Ivan pursed his lips as he thought of if he should share with Alfred what it was but he deserved to know what somebody left on his doorsteps, "A razor and an...a detailed letter with how to use it." He dropped the box and engulfed Alfred in a hug as he began to sob.

Alfred kept trying to apologize as Ivan ran his hands up and down his back trying to calm him down but Ivan stopped him every time because he wasn't the one who had to apologize and tomorrow Ivan was going to track down whoever sent that package and make them pay, they were going to write a detailed apology letter too.

"Malen'kaya mysh, they are not worth your tears." He said after Alfred had calmed down.

Alfred shook his head, "Yeah they a-are...everybody is I'm no-ot worth anything."

This shocked the Russian though he didn't know why as he had already suspected Alfred thought this way, it was obvious in the way he carried himself and had changed that he though so little of himself now. "No...Nyet! You are worth so so much my malen'kaya mysh, so much. You deserve the world." Afred shook his head but Ivan continued, "I love you malen'kaya mysh, ya lyublyu tebya."

"You left those st-sticky notes didn't you?" Alfred asked as Ivan dried his tears.

"Da." Ivan kissed the top of his head, "I wanted you and the whole world to know how much I love you."

Alfred played with his fingers and then took a deep breath to get the confidence to ask, "Will yo-ou go out with me, Iv-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as Ivan kissed him gently.

"Da." He smiled.

When Alfred walked into school the next day hand in hand with one of the scariest guys in school, he had managed to shock everybody for the second day in a row and anybody who tried to cause harm to Alfred got a harsh talking to by Ivan. It took months and months but Ivan managed to pick up the pieces that had broken off of Alfred and put him back together. The next year, Alfred was back to his normal self. His spark had returned, his laugh had become louder, his infectious smile never left his face anymore, the bounce returned to his step, and his confidence followed soon after.

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