Requested by V4804222959
TW: Bullying, abuse, neglect, and some homophobia
Google translate ahead!
Uniform...god, where is that thing? It took a while to find it but soon Alfred had managed to get dressed but it was just as crappy as usual, he never had time to iron or store his uniform properly. Alfred didn't have other clothes really, he had his school uniforms (normal uniform, swim, and gym) and that's it, his parents generally ignored him and didn't get him the things he needed, they were too hyper-focused on their 'perfect child' Alfred's twin brother, Matthew, who was away at a boarding school for gifted children or something. He didn't hate Matt, it wasn't his fault their parents liked him more.
Honestly, the state of his uniforms was something that embarrassed Alfred, he didn't like looking like a slob and his appearance left him open to cruel remarks from other kids. He'd made friends with a few people, his best friends being Gilbert and Matthias who were pretty laid back and crazy, they didn't mind his appearance and Gil didn't even wear his uniform properly. People liked Matthias and Gilbert though, their personalities were gravitating and they made people smile, Alfred was just...quiet and weird. People could describe Alfred as quiet, but his friends would disagree, he just has to open up first and once he does he'll never shut up.
Al got a ride from Gilbert who had gotten his drivers license a few months ago, Matthias had his drivers license too but he gave four other people a ride and Al didn't want to get into that mess. Gil's brother always rode shotgun so Alfred was used to sitting in the back, usually behind Ludwig so he and Gil could share looks through the rearview mirror.
When he heard the familiar honk of Gilbert's familiar Volkswagen, Alfred felt himself grin. He loved the rides to school, it was full of laughter between him and his albino friend. He hurried down the stairs but slowed as he reached the foyer, he looked into the living room to the right of the stairs and noticed his mom typing away at her computer. His stomach knotted for a moment, the sight of her set off his fight or flight sense, he quietly left the house after grabbing his bag and climbed into the car.
"Guten morgan Al!" Gilbert shouted while Al fastened his seat belt, Ludwig had his nose deep in a book about forestry, he was always reading something different when Alfred saw him and none of it made sense.
Alfred grinned at him, watching through the windshield as they left his neighborhood and headed to school, "Morning, Gil!" He shouted back, Ludwig cringed a little at the noise but knew that if he complained nothing would happen.
"Meine awezome selv haz dezided to join zhe zwimming club!" Gil shouted, glancing at the rearview to grin at Al before turning back to the road, "Mein bruder zhinkz it'z a bad idea!" He said and pouted at Ludwig who didn't look up from his book.
"I told jou," Ludwig began, putting a finger under the word he had left off on as he looked at his brother, "Jou zunburn zo eazily I don't zink more expozure to zhe zun vill be gut." He explained before going back to his book.
Al had to admit, he had a point. As long as he's known the German pair, Gilbert seemed to always end up sunburned just by existing, "Jou don't agree vith him, do jou?" Gil asked but seemed to have already read Alfred's mind, "Jou do, don't jou? Traitor!"
Alfred laughed at him but didn't say anything about his thoughts of the matter, he was worried about Gil joining the swim club for a different reason...he was in the swim club. It's one thing to say the bruises on his upper body were from playing with the guys but Gil would know it was a lie, Alfred doesn't like roughhousing for one and the only two he was close enough to play around with would never be that rough with him.
Hetalia Oneshots
عاطفيةThese are going to be stories I write which contains my favorite ships!