Chapter 1: Before it all happened

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It was a week after Fred had gotten shot. Archie, wasn't handling well, he had disconnected to Veronica. Veronica, broken too, not only had the love of her life's dad gotten shot, but he fell for
another girl, Betty Cooper. The looks he gave Betty, she never received from him.

Veronica hadn't done anything with Archie in awhile, so she got out her phone and texted him.

"Hey Archie, wanna go to Pops and get a milkshake? It'll get your mind off things for a bit:)"

"Okay sure, when?"
"k see u then."
Veronica made sure she looked perfect before going to see Archie. She wanted him to look at her like Betty. More so.
Veronica was at Pops, 7 sharp. Veronica was there for 15 minutes, Archie was late. She was annoyed, but his dad was shot, so she wouldn't comment on it. Thirty minutes later, Archie showed up. He walked casually inside. He saw Veronica and smirked. Veronica sending back her lovely stare.

"Ronnie, in sorry I'm late I-"

"You don't need an excuse, it's okay."

Archie smiled, thanking her with his eyes.

"Archie, I wanted you to come here to talk about a few things."

"Okay, let's hear it."

"We've been disconnected, you haven't called or texted in days, I know your dad was shot and is in a coma but, don't you need me? To help you get through it? I wanna be there with you."

She said, her eyes saddening.

"I'm sorry I just... feel like we don't have the connection like we had before."

"Is this because you're having feelings for Betty?"

Veronica said with hesitation, her stomach aching.

"I don't know my feeling for Betty, things are different, she's different, she's changed a lot and I think-"

Veronica cut him off easily.

"I knew it. The way you look at her, you've never looked at me like that."

As a few awkwardly seconds passed by, Archie broke the silence.

"I think it best we be just friends, but close friends. I want things to be like they were before we were dating."

"I completely understand, it's for the best, but Betty's with jughead. She's happy with him."

Archie frowned, he knew she was right, but he'd do anything to get Betty.

Veronica and Archie finished the night as just friends, surprisingly, it wasn't awkward at all. It was just like when they met.
(This was part is necessary for the actual story to happen)
I'll post another chapter tomorrow:)

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