Chapter 7: Jughead Jones!

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It was a week after they broke up. Jughead had acted like it never happened. It took him a couple of days, but he "was over it", that's what he told people, but everyone knew he was lying. You don't get over a girl like Betty Cooper just like that. As for Betty, emotional wreck. She was home schooled now. She rarely left the house. Veronica promised Betty to visit her everyday. You'd think everyday she'd get better, but it only got worse. Betty had nail marks all over her hands. Veronica never noticed them. Betty would wake up in the middle of the night from the dream that haunts her. She gets it every night. Jughead tells Betty he loves her, then she sees him kissing another girl. Toni. When Betty goes up to Jughead, he just laughs at her like he never loved her. Each night Betty woke up screaming louder.

"AHHHH" Betty screamed waking up from her sleep. Her parents came running in.

"Betty, baby girl it's okay, we are here, no one is gonna hurt you." Alice said as she rubbed Bettys back. Betty had told her parents her nightmare was of her getting kidnapped. She couldn't tell them what it really was.

Betty couldn't handle sleeping alone anymore. She asked Archie if he could lay in bed with her until she fell sleep. He agreed, obviously. But after she would fall asleep, Archie would just walk home since he lived next door. It didn't help her nightmares stop, but it helped with the screaming. It still wasn't the same. Jughead was more comforting, Reasurring, and would whisper cute things in her ear. The only thing that helped Betty sleep at night was memories of Jughead and her. Like the first time they said I love you.

Betty was no where near in love with Archie. She loved him. But she wasn't in love.

Betty woke up and turned to her left hoping to see someone there. But no.
The same day Jughead went out to the store to buy some food, because it Jughead, he needs his food. With his luck, he ran into Veronica and Archie. Jughead tried hiding from them but it didn't work.

"Jughead Jones!" Veronica yelled angrily. He didn't think he'd ever hear Veronica like that. It was a vicious yell.

"Yes?" Jughead said, knowing he was going to get ambushed.

"In case you're wondering, Betty has been a total mess because of you, she eats like one fucking bite of bread a day! She wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, the nightmare is so bad she can't even tell me without balling her eyes out! If you hurt or or even go near her again-" Archie cut her off.

"Veronica calm down, but Veronica isn't lying, Betty is terrible she goes days without eating and you seem-"

"Perfectly fine." Veronica cut Archie off raising an eyebrow. "How can you be perfectly fine! How is this so easy for you! Did Betty mean nothing to you at all?"

"Is that even a question? I've been a wreck, I've been trying to hide it for weeks and it's been so hard, I try not to think about it but I can't not. Not having Betty makes me dreadful, I've been doing bad things with the serpents now. But how could you think Betty meant nothing to me when she meant and still means the world to me? She is the only person I care about and love on this earth, I will never stop loving her no matter what." Jughead said almost tearing up.

"Save it, if you love her so much then how come you broke her heart!"

"Are you forgetting that she broke up with me?"

"What would you do! If you saw Betty kissing Archie how would you react? Betty did every fucking thing for you, to make you happy, and this is how you repay her? Let's go Archie." Archie and Veronica went off going for what they came for, Betty's pills.

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