Chapter 6: No love

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"About what?"

"About you hanging out with Cameron."

Betty moved out of the way for jughead to come in.

"So, why were you."

"I was just making new friends."

"But, why Toni's brother, he's a serpent?"

"You're a serpent too jug, and why are you mad about me hanging out with Cameron, you fucking kissed Toni!"

Jughead forgot all about that. He didn't want to remember that moment. It wasn't worth remembering. But the look on Betty's eyes. Killed him. Made him want to punch himself multiple times. Even worse.

"Betty, I was looking for you, Veronica told me that I had been spending so much time with Toni, I hadn't realized it, and I felt so bad, so bad, for yelling at you like that, I never should've, I had no right, I went out to Pops to see if you were there, when I walked in Toni was there, I asked if you stopped by at all and she told me you weren't and she needed to tell me something quick, I told her I had to go, she begged me and said it will take a minute, I sat down waiting for what she had to say, she kissed me, immediately I pulled back, but it was too late, you walked in with Archie. Betty, I love you so so much, I, I, I can't even string sentences around you because you make me different, good different."

"The thing is Jug, you blew me off, everyday, we hadn't hung out for weeks, weeks! You didn't even realize you were l hanging out with her everyday? You forgot about someone. Me. The person you claim to love. I hung out with Cameron to make myself feel wanted Jug. I love you to and will never stop, but you let her kiss you, you didn't even back away, if any guy did that to me, I wouldn't have let him come close."

"Betty, I don't know why I didn't realize it I just-"

"You didn't realize it because every time you hung out with her it was "so much fun" time went by fast so it didn't seem that long. So tell me Jug, do you like her."

"Of course I like her, she's my friend."

"No, do you like her as more than a friend?"


"Jug, I don't want any lies, this relationship is not gonna be based on lies!"

Jughead saw Betty digging her nails into her hands. He immediately tried to grab them and stop it.

"No! Don't touch me! You couldn't even answer me your feelings for her? I think we both know what you want, and it's not me."

"Betty you're all that I want-"

"Save it Jug, stop lying to yourself, we are done."

Jughead almost starting crying but held the tears in. He couldn't live without Betty.

"Please leave, I'm not gonna repeat myself."

Jughead took the stairs and left. He would listen to Betty for the world. If he asked her to do something he would do it. But, what was he gonna do now? All he could think about was Betty's hand. He wanted to hold her all night, tell her how amazing she is. But he couldn't, it was over, he had tried. If Betty didn't love him anymore, who did?

Jealousy is an issue darling  [bughead]Where stories live. Discover now