Chapter 4: Too late

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"Yes jug?"

"Toni is my friend, if you can't respect that, you're gonna have to!"

"Juggie what are y-"

Jughead rudely interrupted. He never did that. He always let her finish.

"Save it. You don't go having Veronica tell Toni to back off, first of all, you don't make people do that to my friend, secondly, if you were mad about it we could've talked, lastly, you didn't even talk to me about hanging out with her, I would've done more stuff with you!"

"Jug I did try to do stuff with you, you always couldn't because of her! I did not tell Veronica to tell Toni that, that was her doing! If I even wanted to talk, you'd be with her!"

"I'm sure that was Veronica doing, it's so messed up making people talk to my friend like that!"

"Jug for the last time I-"

Jughead turned around and walked out of the room. Betty was heartbroken, sobbing. Veronica saw Jughead walk out of the room. Veronica walked fast to the room. To see Betty sobbing. Digging her nails into her palm.

"Betty! What happened?"

"Jug he, he, he thought I made you talk to Toni and he came in yelling to me about it and he wouldn't listen." Betty said barley being able to talk.

"Betty I'm so sorry! I didn't know he would react that way, especially to you!"

"V, it's fine it not your fault."

"I can't let Jughead get away with treating you like this. I have to set him straight."

Betty didn't care enough to try to stop her. She didn't care enough to do anything.

"Jughead Jones!"

"What?" Jughead said rolling his eyes.

"You do NOT treat my best friend like that! Especially your girlfriend! She did not tell Toni-"

"B-" Jughead tried to cut her off.

"Do t you dare interrupt me like you did to Betty! I went to have a talk to Toni because I'm actually there for Betty, listen to her, hang out with her. You have NO right, NO right talking to my B like that! I don't know why you are hanging out with Toni" Veronica said her name disgustingly. "so much and ditching your plans for with with, with her! That's why she's been hanging out with Archie so much."

"Why do you mean hanging out with archie so much? I have not been ditching Betty for Toni."

"Oh really? B showed me the texts."

Jughead pulled out his phone looking at the texts, not realizing how much he ditched Betty. He felt like absolute shit. He went to go look for Betty. He went to Pops, because she wouldn't have gone home. When he walked into Pops he saw Toni there.

"Hey Jug! Come sit."

"Sorry I can't right now, I'm looking for Betty."

"It will be quick, promise." She said with a smile on her face.

"Okay, what?"

Toni pulled Jughead in for a kiss, exactly when Betty walked in. Jughead pulled away. But it was too late. Betty and Archie saw.


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