Chapter 5: Oh my god

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"Why would you do this?"

"No Betty-"

Betty stormed out of Pops, tears filled in her eyes. Archie glared at jughead shaking his head. Archie ran up to Betty. Jughead followed.


"Really jug? How could you do this to Betty? To Betty!" Archie was extremely mad. Jughead had never seen him this mad. Ever.

"It's not what it looked like-"

"Classic, I'm not gonna let you go near Betty. You really hurt her Jug. I would stay away from Veronica too if I were you." Archie trailed off to the truck and brought Betty home. Jughead stood there devastated. Did he just lose the one person that he cared about most? That cares about him the most?

"Betty, I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault arch, I ju- just don't know why ju- ju-" Betty couldn't say his name. It hurt too much. "Why would he do that? He told me he loved me last week. It was the first time we said I love you." Betty said tearing up.

"Well, do you still love him?" Archie said nervously hoping for a no.

"I will always love him arch, but I don't know if I could ever forgive him. I mean, there has to be a reason right? But how would that even happen?"

"Betty" Archie grabbed her hand "Jughead just made the biggest mistake up his life. Just don't think about it. Wanna go to a movie?"

"Yes. But can V come? You guys are on good terms right?"

"Yes absolutely" he said smiling.

Archie drove to the movies while Betty texted V to come. When they got there, Betty told Veronica everything that happened. Veronica was angry that he did that to her. So, Veronica made up a plan to get back at Jughead.

"Betty, would you ever want to get back at him for that?"

"No V, I'm not like that, it'll just take me longer to get over him then."

"Well I have the perfect plan. Betty, pleaase!! For me! You have to after what he has done."

"You aren't gonna stop are you?" Veronica shook her head. "Fine, what's the plan?"

"Did you know that Toni, has a brother?"

"V I'm not gonna hurt her brother to get back at Jughead."

"Not what I was going towards B, he's smoking hot, like yummy hot." Veronica exclaimed while Archie had a slightly jealous look on his face. He didn't want Betty with anyone but him. "So, if you guys hooked up at pops, and jughead saw, you know?"

"Yes V, I just want to get this done." Betty did not want to do this, she was still in love with jughead. Nothing would make her stop loving him. But she knew Veronica wouldn't stop asking.

"Okay great! I'll set you guys up! Archie and I can go and we can have a double date." Archie had a confused look on his face. "Don't worry Archie, it means nothing." Archie's face relaxed.

The next day they all went to Pops, Betty was waiting for Toni's brother, Cameron. Cameron is a hot name, Betty thought. While waiting, jughead came inside.


"Jug, what did I say about going by Betty?!"

"I have to explain!"

"Jug please leave me alone, you don't have to explain that you have feelings for her, I didn't know you felt like that about her, but I have to except that."

"But Betty I don't-"

"Jug, please leave" Archie said staring down jughead. Jughead walked out the doors and saw Cameron, he knew Cameron from hanging out with Toni.  Jughead waved at Cameron and walked out. As Cameron walked into Pops Jughead looked back and he saw Cameron sitting by Betty. What?

"Oh my god, he's beautiful"

"What did I tell you Betty?"

He was very handsome Betty was in awe. But there was something about Jugheads face that no man could compare too.

"Woah, Veronica, she's way more beautiful in person." Betty blushed as he sat down next to her."

Why would Betty be with Cameron? Jug thought. He was so pissed. How could Betty have moved on so quickly? He needed to talk to Betty. So he went home and waited a couple of hours and went to Betty's window.

"Betty? Can we please talk?"

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