Chapter 2: "Im just tired, thats all"

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Betty had woken up for a nightmare she'd never forget, she lost Jughead. She was frightened by it, but to look up and see that jughead was sitting right next to her rubbing her back.
"Bad dream?"

"You don't even know." Betty said planting a soft kiss on his lips. She couldn't lose this boy.

It was The middle of the night, they both had school and had to get up 6 a.m. Betty tried falling asleep in his arms. All she could think about was that he lived in the Southside now, nothing she could do about it. Eventually, she fell asleep.

It was a rough Monday for Betty, she needed Jughead.

"Hey jug, can you come over later? Rough day."

"Sorry Betts, I made plans with a friend, but I promise, I'll make it up to you ;)"

"Who's your new friend?"

It took jughead a few minutes to answer.

"Toni Topaz"

"Oh well I hope you and your friend have a good time!"

Betty hasn't realized that Toni, was a girl. Jughead had been spending so much time with her, Betty wanted to meet Toni, still not knowing Toni was a girl. She later texted jughead.

"Hey Juggie, are you still with that friend of yours?"

"Um yeah why?"

"We should all go to Pops, I want to meet Toni."

"Okay, what time?"


"Sounds good, we will be there."

Betty's pov:
Why is Juggie so late? He's never late for anything. But he's with Toni, knowing boys they probably did something stupid, which took longer than they thought.
I was about to pull out my phone to call jughead, but I saw that his car had pulled up. Not wanting to stare at them, I immediately take out my phone, making it look like I'm texting someone. I look up from my phone not believing it, Toni, was a girl.

Jughead and Toni walked in laughing at something, Betty choked on her spit.

"Hey Betty! I'm sorry we were late but"

He went on telling the story, them laughing so hard at what happened, I had to force a smile. Still not believing he was hanging out with a girl this whole time. But what saddened Betty the most, was that jughead, didn't sit by Betty. She's his girlfriend. Betty thought. Betty pretended she got a text from her mom and had to go.

When Betty got home, Jughead had texted her.

"Hey tonight was fun! But were you okay? You seemed a little off."

"I'm just tired, that's all." Betty's hand, bloodier than ever. She didn't know she could dig her nails that deep. But she didn't know, she was about to lose her boy.
I hope you liked it! I'll do the next chapter tomorrow or maybe tonight if I get bored

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