Chapter 8: Please

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Jughead went home after that and thought of everything that happened. Betty stopped eating? She wakes up in the middle of the night screaming? The thought of that made Jughead cry. He couldn't stop crying. He had to see Betty. He wanted to so bad. But he couldn't, theres no way he could get into the house. Jughead went outside and started driving his motorcycle as fast as it would go into the woods, closing his eyes til he hit a tree. He woke up hours later fine, no damage done to him "Fuck!" He just wanted to die.


It was the next day and Veronica had woken up from a text that was from Betty, it read "V, I can't do this anymore, if I can't have Jughead, i don't have anything to live for, so im going to the only place that makes me comfortable, bye V." 

"Shit! What fucking place makes her comfortable?" Veronica said. She immediately texted archie a screenshot of the text. 

"Ronnie where the fuck is her comfortable place? We have to find it now" Archie texted back. Veronica knew she had to send it to jughead, he was most likely to know out of anyone. She sent Jughead the text, hoping he'd be awake by now. 

"Where is this place!" Veronica sent out and jughead immediately responded with, 

"The cliff"Jughead as fast as he could ran out to the truck and started driving there. The cliff is where jughead and Betty would go when they'd get away from their parents. It was always calm there, their favorite place to go.

"Meet you there." Veronica responded.

Jughead was already half way there when he got that text. Going as fast as he could to go to the cliff. He arrived, with Betty just sitting on the edge of it.

"Betty?" Jughead said calmly, voice cracking. Betty whipped her head around, eye widening. Jugheads too, her face was pale and skinny, really skinny.

"Jug, please go." Betty cried. Jughead didn't listen and took a couple steps towards her. 

"Betty no, i'm not leaving this time, or ever again. If something ever happened to you, because of me, i woulnd't be able to live with myself, please Betty don't do this. It killed me, when Veronica told me how you were doing, I hated myself, i still do, so much, I couldn't take it so I drove my motorcycle into the woods, closed my eyes until i hit a tree. Betty, I don't want to live without you, i want to spend my life with you, forever, i can't imagine a life without you"

"Well you're going to have to"

"Betty no! I dont want to imagine a life without you, because without you, there is no me. Betty please dont do this."

"You dont even love me! Its was just a game."

"Just a game? just a game betty? Are you fucking serious? I love you so fucking much, so much, i didnt know it was even possible to love someone this much, youre the reason i live, why i want to, Betty Cooper i love you so much i can never stop loving you, thats why i cant let you do this."

"You- you love me?"  Betty didnt believe it.

"Betty i have loved you since i laid my eyes on you" Jughead walked up to Betty at the end of the cliff. "Betty please come over here, please." He started crying. Betty stood up, she broke her ankle a couple weeks ago from running away, so when she stood up to go and walk over to jughead, her ankle bent, she lost her balance, she closed her eyes until she felt someones arms holding her, jughead had caught her, she opened her eyes. They locked eyes, Betty cupped his face then dug her head on his shoulder, wrapping their arms around her. Jughead walked Betty over to the truck.


"Yes betty?"

"Did you really mean it when you said you didnt know it was possible to love someone this much?" Bety said, obviouly scared of asking. Jughead pulled bettys head from his chest and cupped her face.

"Betty of course."

"Good, because, I didnt know it was possible either. I love you Jughead, you were the only thing stopping me from jumping off that cliff, you were the only one that would be able to stop me from so sorry I just-" Jughead interrupted her with a soft kiss, which led into a little bit of making out.

"i dont want to ever hear you apoligize again." Betty nodded, smiling and lent in for another kiss, god they missed each other. Evantually, Archie and Veronica showed up, interrupting their kissing. They drove to pops afterward. Spending the rest of their life, together.

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