Chapter 3: Your worst nightmare

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Betty's pov:
Stop! No no no no! Leave, go away! I don't, I can't I-I ugh! You're not good enough Betty cooper. Why won't you go away and let me be alone? God what kind of name is Betty? Why? Why? Why?

Betty was going crazy, the voices inside her head kept yelling at her. She couldn't handle them as she laid on the floor crying. There's a knock on the door.

"Betty, can I come in?" Archie said, but he didn't get an answer so he just waltzed right in. He saw Betty laying on the floor.

"Betty! Are you okay?"

"No no no."

"Betty it's okay, I'm here."


"Yes Betty. Let's go to Pops, it'll get your mind off things."


After going to Pops Betty realized, Archie was paying more attention to her, she liked that, she felt wanted again. They started hanging out everyday of the week, even if it was just for minutes. Every night and morning they'd have a conversation through their windows. Betty was happy, but not completely. Archie didn't know but every night, Betty would throw up the food she ate. Betty wanted to have no flaws. She'd do anything to get Jughead back.

Tuesday at school, Veronica saw Betty and Archie giggling by each others lockers. Veronica noticed Betty was hanging out with Archie a lot, it was weird, what about Jughead? She couldn't live a day without seeing that boy. Veronica saw Archie leave.

"Hey B."

"What's up?"

"I have a question."


"How come you've been hanging out with Archie so much?"

Betty almost started crying. Just the thought of why made her sob.

"Can you go to the blue and gold room?"

"Yes, of course."

They went to the room. When walking there Veronica noticed Betty had her head down the whole time. Betty was always, head up, smiling at everyone to admire her beauty.

"I've been hanging out with Archie so much because... Jughead and his new friend Toni have been hanging out a lot, like a lot," Betty started to break down in tears.

"He ditches all of his plans to go with her."

"Wait, hold up. Toni's a girl? And he's ditching your plans to go with her?"

Betty nodded her head, trying hard to hold in her tears.

"I need juggie V, I've been going insane without him."

Betty showed Veronica the last twenty texts between them. He either ignored her, ditched the plans, and mostly, he had plans with Toni.

"This Toni girl, is going to have a talk with me. She can't do this, especially not to you B."

Veronica ditched 7th hour to go to the Southside. She was gonna talk to Toni immediately. When the bell rang, numerous of boys came out and saw Veronica and they would say "hot damn" or "look at that doll" it made Veronica uncomfortable, especially because they were all creeps. She didn't know what Toni looked like. But luckily, someone called out her name. Veronica went up to her.

"Hi, yes Toni? I need to have a talk with you."

"Um who are you?"

"Veronica, I can be your worst nightmare if you don't come with me."

Toni wasn't scared. But she wanted to know what it was about. Veronica was a snotty brat she thought. They walked over to a table.

"You, I don't know what your trying to do, but Jughead has a girlfriend, so stop trying to get in his pants."

Toni laughed

"Juggie and I, have a strong friendship. It's not my fault for wanting something to myself."

"Since when do you have the right to call him Juggie? I'm warning you, you interfere with their relationship, things won't look good for you, Southside trash."

"What can you do huh? What's your story?"

"The last names lodge. I'm sure you heard of it."

As Veronica said walking away smirking. Toni had heard of that name. Hiram lodge was the reason her dad is in prison and she's on the Southside.

"Jug, a girl named Veronica just interrogated me and threatened me if we didn't stop hanging out."

"Veronica huh? Why would she do that?"

Jughead instantly thought Betty made Veronica go and talk to Toni, because Betty was weird around Toni, but little did he know, he was wrong, and was about to make on of the biggest mistakes in his life.
The next chapter may come out later tonight or tomorrow. Hope you liked this one!

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