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Onika Maraj
March 19th 2017

So its been a few weeks and after multiple meetings and finalizing my plan I was finally going to meet up with Beyonce. During the few weeks I was having meetings and shit I had a couple of my guards follow her around. I knew her whole routine in and out. Right now she's about to go on her morning jog so I'd thought I'd join her. I stretched waiting for Beyonce to pass me before I started running. Damn this bitch is fast. I FINALLY caught up with her after about 20 minutes.

"Hey Beyonce right." I said panting

"Yea I remember you from the club. You look different." She said looking at me briefly before focusing back on the path

"I only wear blonde hair when I'm stripping. But any other time i my hair is pink." I smiled

"Well I like pink better Barbie." She chuckled

"Call me Nicole that's my real name." I said before taking a drink of water

"Well Nicole how about we race to that bench over there then we can talk." She grinned

"I love a good challenge." I said knowing I would lose

"Alright lets go." She said before picking up speed. I was on her heels for a minute and considered tripping her but I didn't. I channeled my inner track star and ran full speed passing her in the process. I reached the bench first and sat my tired ass down to catch my breath.

"Damn girl you made it here awful quick." Beyonce said smiling. Sweat dripped down her body but she was still beautiful

"I dont like to lose." I said leaning back

"You should always stretch after a run you don't want to get a cramp." She informed me.

"I'll be fine." I shrugged while getting up. I was about to walk away when I felt a crippling pain in my calf. I screamed out in pain before sitting back down.

"Oh my gosh are you ok? Let me help you." Beyonce said rushing to my aid. She straightened my leg and massaged my calf until the cramp stopped and i was so relieved

"Thank you." I said licking my sweat covered lips

"Your welcome. Do you come out here to run often?" Bey asked sitting on the bench

"No I just started. Gotta keep this body in shape." I say earning a chuckle out of Beyonce.

"Well I come here to run everyday. Maybe we can run together." She offered

"I'd like that." I smiled accepting her offer

"Here give me your phone." She demanded holding her hand out. I laid my phone in her hand and she added her name to my list of contacts.

"Call me next time you want to run." She said returning my phone and running off. I sat and watched her run until her figure disappeared into the rising sun. Phase 1 was complete. I smiled to myself before running back home.


"Baby are you sure you're ok with this?" I asked packing a few bags if I forgot anything I'd just come back and get it.

"I'm sure baby just be safe and dont fuck her." Mckayla said grabbing my face

"The only one I'll be fucking is you." I say smirking

"What about chyna and Amber?" She asked rolling her eyes

"I fuck them so they can be my look outs. I use them to tell me what happening in the streets." I answered honestly

"Mhm." She pushed my shoulder and pouted

"Aww stop pouting." I said poking her lip and straddling her lap

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