Dipper's 'account' part 2

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(Pacifica's Pov)

Mabel gives me a thumbs up, which I'm guessing she got the picture. I smiled, which it must have gotten Dipper suspicious, cause he looked behind me. "What are you smiling at?" He looks around. Mabel ducks behind the bush, as Dipper looked. I turn my attention back onto him and answer "Oh, just the fact that we're getting along, because of that one summer." And to be onest that's kind of truthfully, I mean i am really happy we're getting along, besides last night. I kind of wanted to talk to him about that to him but, i don't want to talk about that with Mabel near, that'll only make it more awkward.

He looks back at me, his eyes soften. I guess he's kind of happy to?? "Well I think I'm going to go on that walk now." "Ok, i won't stop you," Dipper smiles. I smile back, and start to get up but Dipper reaches over and hugs me. I was really surprised, I hugged him back. Just when i pulled back, Dipper whispered "I know you want to talk about last night, and I know Mabel's watching so wanna meet up in the forest at 6?" I was stunned, did that mean he knew what Mabel did? I whispered back "Sure, I'll see what I can do." 

We let go, and I got up and went the opposite way from where we were sitting. I turn around to see that Mabel had caught up with me. "Did you get it?" I ask anxious. "Yep!" She smiles and holds up the camera to me, revealing Dipper sitting on the bench and the sunlight shines beautifully behind him, hiding me.  "Wow Mabel! You should be a photographer! This is awesome," I say and take the camera from her hands.

She blushes a little and smiles. "Thanks! Anyway lets get back to the house and put this up as a profile picture!" She says and starts going back towards the the shack. I nod and follow after her. When we reach the Shack we were greeted by Soos and Wendy, I think that's their names. "Soos! Wendy!" Mabel says, and hugs them. "Hey dudes!" Soos says, hugging Mabel back, as I stand behind them Awkwardly. "Hey," Wendy says, hugging her back. "You guys remember Pacifica right?" Mabel asks pulling back from their hug. 

Wendy looks at me then back at Mabel. "Wait, Pascifica NorthWest? The 'Pacifica Northwest'?" Wendy asks, eyes widen. "Yeah, the one and only," I say, fiddling with my hair, shyly. "Wow, I didn't even recognize you!" Soos says, looking me up and down. I blush from the attention they where giving me. I guess I have changed my wardrobe since then...  

They must have seen me blush and being uncomfortable because Wendy laughs and says "Sorry, we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." "Yeah, dude. Its just that we're used to seeing you all pampered, and wearing make up and what not," Soos adds in. They're right, the only time I'm allowed to wear this out is if my parents are really busy. "I understand," I replied and scratch my head awkwardly. "Well, got to go! Me and Pacifica got a mission to take on! Talk to you both later!" Mabel takes my hand and rushes inside, me not far from behind her. 

When we get to the living room, Mabel lets go of my hand and grabs a cord. She plugs it up to her computer and camera. She sits on the couch and pats a spot next to her. I do what I am told and sit next to her. She shows me the screen, which showed I guess is Dippers new dating account. She goes to the profile picture and uploads the picture she took of him. "And now let the fun begin!" She says excited. I laugh, and lay back."Hey what time is it?" I ask curiously. "Oh about 11:42." "Wow, really? Time goes by fast." "Yep!" My phone buzzes, I pull it out. I open it, just to find father just texted me. 

Dad: Pacifica Elise Northwest! You are to come home now!                                                                               Me: Why? I told you I'm at Alissa's                                                                                                                               Dad: You are to be home now! Me, and your mother have something to discuss with you                   Me: If its that important

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