Party planning

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A/N: hey long time no see guys, please read the authors note at the end and I'll explain why I've been gone! Enjoy the chapter, I'll start making them longer: 2000 words
(Pacificas pov)

It kind of ticked me off seeing Candy with Dipper. Yet he seemed so happy. I was really hoping he'd say yes after I asked him. Well technically Mabel asked him, but I asked her to ask. I don't want Candy getting suspicious. I looked at his neck and saw hickeys forming all sorts of different spots. His shirt was messy, along with his hair. That only makes him more attractive honestly, yet I can't be the one to kiss him or touch.

He isn't and won't ever be mine.

"Oh, I don't know..." he starts after Mabel asked him, he then looks at me. I don't look at him in the eyes but just stare at Candy and Dipper both. I honestly had no emotion in me with what I'm seeing here. Well if you could say I had an emotion it would be Sadness and anger in one bunch. I let a girl tell me what to do. I'm helpless, useless. I started thinking of excuses that would make sense of why I let her do so to me. And most of all why I let Dipper go.

He then turns his attention to Candy, who's currently playing with her hair. Why the heck is she acting all innocent in front of them? Like I can say anything if I do who knows what she'll do to me. She stays quiet as Dipper makes a face which practically says 'well?'.

"Sure, what is it you want me to do?" he asks turning his attention back to me. It made my heart beat a little faster. He really didn't say 'no'? Really?!?

I got a little bit excited but collected my composer before Candy could tell. I just stood there for a few seconds before Mabel slightly hits my back, luckily they didn't notice.

"Well, it's a simple task. Could you possibly help move some furniture around? I would have had some other people to help but they're a little busy," I say not looking at anyone in the eyes. I'm still shocked really, I'm still trying to comprehend what Dipper said before.

"Yeah, I can do that," he says smiling. God, that smile...... It made my stomach do flips.

"Perfect, when would you be free to come over?" I ask finally looking him in the eye. "When is this party?" he asks, turning his posture towards me and Mabel. I guess he didn't see the news. Then again what do I expect, he has hickeys on his neck for crying out loud. Of course, he isn't going to be watching the News.

"It's going to be this Saturday, at my place. I want it where everyone can see the moon when it appears," I answer him, shifting my weight on my right foot. "Why not later today Dip? We need to get this done, I mean it's in a few days and us girls-" Mabel stops and starts pointing "need dresses," she exaggerates dresses. "Actually, I already have a dress in mind," I said scratching my arm nervously. "I can still shop with you Mabel though," I add quickly, putting my hands on her shoulder.

"You know that actually works!" she says grinning, and her eyes widening. I give her a confused look before looking at Dipper and Candy. They were just as confused as me, or at least that what it looks like.

"What do you mean Mabel?" Candy spoke up, which startled me. I didn't think she'd speak. She's been so quiet. "I mean that you, me and Grenda can go dress shopping while Dipper helps Pacifica at her place!" She says excitedly.

"Mabel I-" I start to oblige but Candy beats me to it. "I don't think that's a good idea," she said bluntly. No emotion, just blank. "Awe why not Candy! Ever since you and Dipper started going out you barely hang out with me anymore," she says, sadness in her voice. And it's actually true, well from what I can tell because, well I guess Mabel's been hanging out with me more. We've been close, kind of like sisters in a way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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