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Jungkook was the youngest yet he took care of his hyungs non stop. He made sure that they were always smiling and loved their love. "Hyung, you love Taehyung right?" Jimin blushed and nodded. "Tell him." Jungkook was there when they became a thing. "Hyung, I know you told me hot to say anything but Seokjin hyung likes you back. He's coming." Again, his heart felt heavier as he watched the two become one (not sex). Last was Hoseok and Yoongi. Jungkook set them up through music. "Hyung, could you write me a song about love?" Yoongi had trouble, but Hoseok was happy to help. They expressed their feelings and ended up inseparable. Now the only one without another was Jungkook himself. But he only smiled because the important thing was everyone was happy.

"I don't think he's actually happy..." Jimin whispered to the other guys. Jungkook was making them dinner with Seokjin. "His eyes seem dull and distant, I think he's hiding something." Taehyung rubbed Jimin's back as he pouted. Namjoon thought of things it could be.

"He set us all up, why? I mean I'm happy to be with Hoseok but how come he saw us together before we did ourselves?"

"How come he smiles so much when he catches us...kissing? Is he okay?" Taehyung sucked on his bottom lip nervously. As they talked about everything that's happened in the past few days, Jungkook brought their food in. All conversations came to an end as everyone thanked the oldest and the youngest.

"No worries, you love bugs enjoy your delicious meal." He smiled and waved as he was about to leave. Seokjin grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Aren't you gonna eat with us?" Jungkook only smiled and shook his head. He then slipped away into the comforts of the room where his smile quickly fell. It wasn't until later when he heard footsteps outside of his room that he stopped crying to see what was going on. By the sound it was more than one person. He wiped his face with his blanket and then took deep breaths so calm down. Finally someone knocked. All of his friends came in looking worried and cautious, as if the slightest movement or sound would break the maknae.

"Um, hello?" Seokjin and Jimin were the first to sit on his bed, Jimin wrapping him into a bone crushing hug.

"Kookie, we love you so much. I'm so thankful that we have you as a friend and you've done so much for us." He started.

Seokjin was next to speak. "We love you too much for us to leave you alone. You've been way too quiet lately and that's not good, where is my happy baby?" Jungkook only smiled, looking down at his blanket.

"Why smile if it hurts? Wouldn't we be a better help?" Hoseok hit Yoongi on the shoulder with his own. "I mean, why won't you let us help? You know we're always here right?"

"I said I'm okay, why don't you guys go be with your boyfriends and just love eachother. Seeing you happy makes me happy." Jungkook wiped a tear quickly before anyone noticed. Namjoon saw though. He walked over and grabbed his face delicately, squishing his cheeks in the process. Another tear came and he wiped it with his thumb. Then they stared at eachother.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked softly.

"N-nothing Joonie." He looked everywhere but into the eyes of his friends. It hurt but warmed his heart.

"Tell us kookie." Taehyung ruffled his hair." The youngest but his lip and pursed his lips.

"I...I'm leaving. I won't be able to come back." He started. Gasps were heard. "I wish I could stay longer...I thought I had more time. I thought- I thought if I made everyone happy I could maybe leave without feeling so guilty that-" he cut himself off and began breaking heavily, shoulders shaking.

"Kookie what's wrong? Where are you going? Tell us." Jungkook's tears came in groups now, not stopping anytime soon.

"It's not's when..." Hoseok and Yoongi began rubbing his back, Hoseok was holding his hand also. "Guys...I don't have long."

"Kookie..." Jimin started. "Are you..." He gulped, not wanting to continue.

"Please say what I'm thinking is not what you're telling us. Wh-why did you keep this from us?" Hoseok, like everyone else had started crying. The sight of the broken boy was pulling at their heart strings. Jungkook stopped responding, only held his arms up to be embraced. To be held. To feel that feeling that he craved the most: safety.

"Please calm down baby, we're here." Seokjin whispered softly, kissing his head and hugging him. Everyone wrapped their arms around him and Jungkook finally felt safe. The feeling of all of his friends holding him at once, hearing their heart beats, smelling their body wash, and knowing that he was loved made everything feel okay. He wanted to forget why this was happening and instead stay like this, with his friends but he knew he couldn't. That was scarier than death, leaving the people that you love the most.

"I'm sorry guys..."he chuckled through tears. "I've bade everybody sad. Smile please." He tickled Jimin knowing that he'd react quickly. Jimin giggled and everyone felt energized listening to the contagious laugh. Everyone smiled and Jimin tried to protect his sides.

"P-please I'll pee!" The night took a drastic turn and the thought made Jungkook smile.

He remembered the day so clearly. On his bed he wrote his final words to his friends. ' Please stay happy. Don't cry now that I'm gone. I love you always, Jungkook.'

His smile never left his face as he dropped the pen and paper, eyes closing slowly. He was tired. It was his time.

I'm sorry I've been down lately and I wrote this part actually three times because the first two were way too depressing. I hope you don't hate me for this

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