Stranded and injured

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The battle was intense, the Galra outnumbered the paladins 10 to 1. After a few more close encounters Shiro calls for a retreat.

Sadly no one noticed the Blue lion floating through space, badly damaged. No one noticed as it slowly entered a near by planets atmosphere. No one noticed the silence that came from the blue paladin.

The blue lion crashed into the ocean of the planet, it sunk to the bottom with out a sound.

Lances eyes fluttered open, only to close again with the wave of pain that washed over him.

After a few minutes of sitting in pain, Lance opened eyes to see where he was. He looked around to see that he was still in blue, but she was deathly silent. Her hull was dark, and Lance couldn't hear her at all.

Soon Lance's sight was edged with black, and all he could feel was pain, nothing more nothing less. Soon all he saw was black.

Back at the castle, the paladins where getting dressed in better attire, Hunk was already dressed and went to make food. Kieth decided not to change and went to the training deck to train.

A few minutes later Allura's voice came on the speaker, "Paladins come to the main room to discuss a better plan of action."

Once all the paladins where in the room Allura started to talk about plans, and how to fight the Galra, "We need a way to take on more Galra at once so yo-" "Princess I hate to interrupt, but where's Lance?" It was Pidge, the green paladin was looking around the room for the goofy flirt, only to find him no where.

"I thought he came back with you?!" Said Allura, half worried.

"The Blue lion is not in her hanger and I can't get a signal on her location!" Said a worried Coran as he typed away on his control panel.

"This is bad, we need to find him!" Said Shiro.

Sorry for the short Chapter but I just wanted to get the story started!

If you have any suggestions please comment them!

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