Dead or Alive?!

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TINY: IM SUCH A JERK! *laughs*



Reader: I know your going to leave it at another cliff hanger!

TINY: heh, how do you know (•~•)

Reader: cause it's you!

TINY: ...


Pidge was about to start attacking, when a flash of black, red, and yellow, blasted through the water.

"Come on guys, give me hell!"
Yelled Kieth, firing at the Galra space craft, the others following his lead.

Pidge smiled, and flew into the fight, she blasted a few Galra ships causing them to explode, she turned and fire at more ships coming towards them.

Kieth was taking out Galra ship, by Galra ship, he would fire at a ship, and then tail sip it as he turned to do the same to another ship.

Shiro was near the crashed Blue lion trying to keep away approaching Galra ships. All of the sudden he heard a sound he always hates hearing, he turned to Hunk.

" they're charging up the ion cannon! Take it out Hunk!" Shiro yelled. The cannon was aimed at the Blue lion ready to deal the final blow.

It was about to fire, but Hunk was quicker, he took lion and rammed the side of the cannon, causing it to bend off course, it fired, but missed Blue by a good enough distance.

"Nice save Hunk! Alright let's take out this ship!" Yelled Shiro, as he started to fly towards the big ship, the others following close behind, the Galra war ship fired at them, but they're lions were to quick, and easily dodged the on coming fire.

The Galra ship soon started to back away, heading towards the surface, "What are they doing?!" Asked Kieth, as he finished off another attack ship.

"We scared them! They knew it to mess with us!" Cheered Pidge.

"Alright guys let's go get our friend" said Shiro as he made his way to the crashed Lion.

"We'll have to pick up Blue and take her back to the castle, then we can get Lance out of there, and see how bad his injuries are." Said Hunk as he examined the wreck.

"Alright let's go." Said Kieth.

Shoe and Hunk took they're lions and picked up Blue, cringing as a few pieces of metal fell off.


When they got back to the castle, they sat Blue in her hanger and got of their own lions, and ran over to her.

Shiro walked into the hull of the lion and was horrified at what he saw, Lance was lying on the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood. His left leg looked broken, and the cracks along his armor where covered in blood, at first Shiro thought that they made it to late...

That was until Lance took a shallow and ragged breath, causing him to bleed a bit more.

Shiro took a shaky breath and picked up his team mate, he flinched when Lance let out a whimper from the pain.

Shiro carried Lance out of Blue, and into the Hanger, he heard gasps from the others, and he understood why, Lance was paler then any one could think possible.

"This isn't good..." said Coran, as he tried to hold back tears, Lance was like a son to him, seeing the easy going paladin like this was heart breaking.

"What is it?" Asked Pidge, she was also trying not to cry, Lance was always there for her, no matter what.

"T-the healing pods a-are out of commission, a-and won't be f-fixed in a-awhile..." said Allura looking at Lance with tears dripping down her face.

"L-Lance might not have that much time!" Said Hunk, he was crying hard, Lance was his childhood friend, he hated the thought of not having Lance there.

They all stood in silence starring at the crumpled, broken figure if there friend, who laid limply in Shiros arms.

They all had one thought

This isn't fair! Lance shouldn't have to go through this, and how long does he have...


Reader: REALLY?!




Reader: why!!!!


Reader: FINE!

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