Found but not safe

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When the Paladins got to the planet they were met with what seemed like the whole Galra empire.

Luckily, Zarkon was no where in sight, they knew they couldn't take him out without Lance.

There mission was to drive back the Galra, with the help of Coran and Allura, they had a good start.

"I'm still confused on why the Galra are even here!" Said Pidge over the cons, "The planet is mostly just water anyway."

"Maybe they just like water!" said Kieth rolling his eyes, "does it really matter?"

Pidge sighed, "no... it just seems unlike the Galra to try and take over an abandoned planet."

"I don't think there trying to take it over," said Coran from withi the castle, "From what I can tell they have a base under the water, no clue what for but it looks to me like there looking for something." He said while twisting his mustache.

Just then a few Galra ships hit the castle from behind, leaving a lot of damage.

"Oh no! The castle has been hit!" Said Allura, trying her hardest to stay upright as the castle started to tilt, "Coran do a scan and tell me what's damaged!"

"On it Princess!" Said Coran, as he steadied himself after a few seconds of typing on his control panel he said, "This isn't good."

"What's not good?" Asked Shiro, while he dodged a few hits from some Galra ships.

"The medical bay has been hit! Our healing pods are down!" He said worry clearly in his voice, "Paladins I advise you to not get hurt until I repair them."

"We can do that." Said Hunk, he was trying to take out a canon.

"Guys I'm going to go and see if I can find what the Galra are looking for" said Pidge still eyeing the planet below them, "It seems like what ever they're after, is important, if I can take it from them then that could leave them venerable."

"I don't know what if your caught?" Said Shiro, not wanting to lose another Paladin.

"I'll use the cloaking devise that green has and stay out of sight." Replied Pidge.

"Alright but if you see anything, or if anything starts attacking you, you need to get out of there." Said Shiro.

"10,4" said Pidge, as she dropped out of the fight and descended onto the planet below.

She activated her lions stealth system and flew head first into the water, after a few minutes of avoiding Galra ships she noticed that Green was taking her somewhere, she tried to turn her lion around but it wouldn't budge.

She got on the coms and said, "Guys Green is taking me somewhere and I can't stop her."

After a moment Coran responded, "Let her go where she wants, the Green lion is smart and will only go where it's important."

"Alright then let's see where your taking me." Said Pidge as she sat back in her chair, drifting off to a light sleep.

After a bit, Green woke her up with a light purr, that sounded like a worried wine. Pidge sat up only to gasp as she took the sight in front of her.

About 100 feet ahead was a crashed Blue, there were dents along her mid section, her partical barrier flickered. Clearly Damaged, the lions yellow eyes cracked and flickering.

Pidge got on the coms, and took a shaky breath before saying, "G-guys, I-I think I-I found L-Lance."

Just then a Galra war ship came speeding through the water, heading for the blue lion.


Is he dead or not? \(•~•)/

Find out next time!!!!!

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