All is Finally Well (Finale)

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Thank you to NonexistentNames and klance_for_life and a few others for helping with the plot for this final chapter! <3

Before this chapter starts I want to say thank you!!!

Thank you all so much! All the amazing comments and support, we hit 4K reads!!!

For those wondering I have another story idea that I'll explain at the end of this chapter!

READER: Why you ending it?! ;~;

TINY: I'm sorry!!!! But I want to start the next story!! :)

Reader: ;-; fine


Pidge woke up with a yawn, with a look around her room she picked up her glasses and walked out of her room.

She was about to walk to the kitchen when she had a better idea. She turned around and started down the hall towards Lances room. When she got there she slowly opened the door.

She was quite surprised when she saw Lance awake and half sitting up in bed. Sure it had been about a week since the battle but Lances wounds were really bad. "H-Hey Lance" stammered Pidge, she guessed Lance was in thought by the way his head whipped around to face her.

"Oh... Hey." Whispered Lance, he was really tired by the sound of it, and he looked really tired.

"How you holding up?" Asked Pidge she was happy to see her friend awake, but it hurt seeing him unable to walk.

"Fine." Was all Lance said. It worried Pidge, Lance was always up for talking or joking.

"That's good." Replied Pidge, she was keeping an eye on her comrade to try and figure out what was wrong.

"I guess."

That was what shocked Pidge most, Lance sounded doubtful of himself. She sighed, "Want anything to eat?" She wanted to change the subject. Her heart dropped farther when Lance shook his head. "Oh alright, I guess I'll let you be to,  rest." Once she left she went to the kitchen.

When she walked in she was met with Shiro and Hunk eating breakfast. With a quiet, "Hey guys" she sat down and ate some of the green goop.

"Hey Pidge, where were you?" Asked Hunk, normally Pidge would be the first to the kitchen.

"I went and checked on Lance, he was sitting up in bed." Stated Pidge. This caught Shiros attention, "how's he holding up?"

"He was really out of it, he was tired and it seemed like he didn't want to talk at all." Said Pidge with a sigh.

This startled Shiro and Hunk, "what? That doesn't sound like Lance." Said Hunk with a worried face.

"Agreed after training will check on him." Said Shiro as he finished breakfast, the yellow and green Paladins nodded.

Once all three were done they left to the training area. When they opened the door they saw Keith training. When the red paladin saw them he ended the training sequence and walked over. "Hey guys." He greeted. And revived a few Hey Keith's in return.

"Alright we're going to start with some gladiator fighting." Said Shiro.

~•~Time Skip~•~

After an Hour of training the team walked down towards Lances room. When they opened the door they were met with a terrible sight.

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