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Ok I'm sorry this is late, my non-insistent life, is getting in the way :|

But I've been writing this at family dinners, or when I turn into my antisocial self ;P


After the team pulled themselves together, they decided to put Lance in his room, where they can do what they can to help him.

Shiro and the team were walking down the hall, when Lance let out a moan of pain, everyone's face filled with sadness  as they listened to their friend suffer, each having their own thoughts on the situation.

He hated seeing his comrade like this, it hurt to know that it was partially his fault that this happened. His thoughts didn't help either.

If only I payed better attention to him! He wouldn't have gotten hurt!  I don't deserve to lead, if I don't protect my INTIRE team! I'm a terrible leader, and friend...

He almost started crying, when Lance let out another moan, the cut on his chest starting to bleed again.

Allura walked silently behind Shiro, she was caught up in her own thoughts, and didn't want to look at anyone.

Why was I so hard on him?! He might not survive and the last thing I said to him was an insult! I'm an idiot! He was only trying to cheer everyone up! That's all he ever did....


Coran was walking next to Allura, he was crying softly to himself, Lance was like a son to him. He hated seeing the cheerful paladin like this, it hurt.

Oh Lance, why you? Why did I have to loose another?! You always made me smile, why did the healing pods have to break?! Oh Lance, I'm so sorry!

He was broken, a broken man. The only way to fix him, was for Lance to be ok.

Keith walked beside Shiro, he would look at the injured body in Shiro's arms, and would hate himself even more.

You'll be ok Lance, don't worry. You'll pull through you have to! Your Lance! This team won't be able to function with out your upbeat attitude. Please come back....


She was walking behind Coran with her head bent, as she sobbed to herself.

Why did we have to go on that mission! Why did stupid Galra choose to hit the one person this team needs to survive! I swear I'll kill every last Galra!

She started to cry harder, but luckily it wasn't loud enough to break through the others thoughts.

Hunk was in the worst condition possible, he was walking beside Pidge, and was crying harder than anyone there.

Please pull through Lance, please! We need you! You need to survive long enough to see your family! Please...
We need you!


Lance was a prisoner in his own mind, he couldn't hear anything, all he could feel was pain, it was unbearable. He didn't want to go on, but he held on hoping to see his family and friends again.

By the time they made it to Lances room, they were all in tears (except for Lance.) the reason was that their thoughts had taken over, and it didn't help, when Lance would let out a moan,  and his face would scrunch up in pain.

~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~I love making characters suffer Ò3Ó


Thank you for reading!


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