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"And I fell for you, the way you fell for life that night."


I just can't believe I finally found you.

Once they both pulled away from the kiss, Tom wrapped his arms around Rose's small frame. But, once they let go of each other, Tom couldn't help but stare at Rose. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was practically all he could think of for the past five years, not a day went by that he didn't think of her. And now, there she was, standing right in front of him.

After meeting at Rockefeller Center, Tom and Rose spent the rest of the night hand in hand, walking around the city. They talked and caught up after five years of being apart. They reminisced and relived parts of the night that they met. It was nearly eleven at night, but once they walked past the Serendipity restaurant, they had to go in and get some ice cream. As soon as they ordered and got their ice cream, they were off again. Eating their ice cream as they walked together, with Tom's free arm around Rose's shoulder and her's around his waist, through the still crowded New York streets.

As they walked, Tom took in every single little detail about that night, the city, and Rose. He didn't want to take his eyes off of her or let go of her, not even for a second. He was still trying to process the fact that what was happening was real, that it wasn't a dream. And if it was, he was scared that if he let go he'd wake up. Every time Rose caught him looking at her, or every time she felt his grip on her tighten a little bit, she couldn't help but blush and smile and try to hold back the urge to kiss him until her lips turned blue.

Once the pair had finished their ice creams and threw away the plastic cups that contained them, they found themselves walking around Central Park. They found a bench in the park and sat down on it. They just sat there, arms wrapped around each other, her head resting on his chest. They sat like that in silence--not an awkward silence, a comfy one. Rose was listening to the sound of Tom's heart beating and the sound of his breathing. They each took in everything happening in that moment that made time seem as though it stood still just for them. She took in his smell, how his arm felt around her, how his fingertips distractedly traced her arm, how fast his heart was beating, the steadiness of his breathing.

Rose felt Tom kiss the top of her head before whispering to her, "I'm so lucky I have you."

Rose didn't say anything, she just smiled and blushed. She then turned her head upwards and leaned in to catch Tom's lips. They kissed slowly and passionately, both of them melting into the kiss. They each pulled away after Rose once again started to smile uncontrollably.

Tom quickly pecked Rose's lips again before whispering to her again, "God, I hope this isn't a dream. 'Cause that would be a cruel trick for my mind to play on me."

"That was kinda poetic, and really sweet. But, I don't want this to be a dream either, because this--all of this, right here with you--feels perfect. This feels too good to be true, everything feels right. It feels like the stars are aligned, body and spirit are in balance, and my mind is just saying to me, 'So, this is what it feels like to finally be with your soulmate. So, this is what true love feels like.'" Rose said, then let out a soft giggle afterwards. "I'm sorry, that sounds really cheesy."

"No, no, it was really sweet." Tom reassured Rose. "And when you said that this is what true love feels like, it made me think of "So This Is Love" from Cinderella and it's now stuck in my head." Tom let out a light chuckle.

"Now that you said that, it's gonna be stuck in my head all night." Rose laughed.

Tom pulled his phone out of his pocket, looked up the song, and started playing it. He set his phone down on the bench and turned the volume up before standing up and standing in front of Rose.

"May I have this dance?" Tom asked, as he held his hand out for Rose's.

"You may," Rose answered as she grabbed Tom's hand and stood up from the bench.

Tom placed one hand on Rose's waist and the other held her hand while her other hand was placed his shoulder. Then, they danced around the little area of the park they were at while the song played and they both listened to the lyrics.

So this is love, mmm 
So this is love 
So this is what makes life divine 
I'm all aglow, mmm 
And now I know (and now I know) 
The key to all heaven is mine

My heart has wings, mmm 
And I can fly 
I'll touch every star in the sky 
So this is the miracle 
That I've been dreaming of 
Mmm, mmm 
So this is love

As the last note in the song played, Tom leaned in closer towards Rose and just stared at her for a little bit. He wanted to memorize every detail of her face, he wanted to take in every little bit of her. Rose then finally spoke up about Tom's staring.

"What is it? Do I have something on my face?" Rose asked.

"No, nothing. You're absolutely perfect." Tom said. "I just can't believe I finally found you."

Rose then closed the space between them and they kissed once again. They both melted into it, their lips moving in perfect sync, and the kiss lasting for a long time. Until they both pulled away, smiling and blushing.

sorry this chapter is pretty short and I haven't updated in forever but school started and I'm trash for spending time with my boyfriend on the weekends. also, is it bad that some of the stuff I wrote in this chapter is some of the stuff my bf does/says to me?? bc idk

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