Q & A: Eric Masters M.D.

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     "Hello, Hello, Hello. Ladies. Gentlemen. I heard you have some questions for me. I gotta be honest, I've never been much of an open book, especially with strangers but I'll do the best I can to answer all of your burning questions. With some exceptions. I'm ready to begin when you are." 

     "Alright, first question -- no...make that two questions. The first question heartsandflower asks is... 'What's your immediate family think of you?'" 

     He heaves a deep sigh, crosses one leg over the other, and places one elbow on the armrest, slowly rubbing the side of his index finger against his chin

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     He heaves a deep sigh, crosses one leg over the other, and places one elbow on the armrest, slowly rubbing the side of his index finger against his chin. "Honestly? I don't really have much of a family anymore. My dad left when I was eight and my mom..." He pauses and rolls his eyes, averting his gaze downward. "Disowned me when she found out I was a Dominant a few years ago. I don't even think I can consider my brother a brother, so basically, everyone hates me. At most, I still keep in touch with a cousin or two, that's about it. Next question." 

     "Second question. How did you act as a child?"

     He rolls his eyes again. "You really want to know the answer to that question? I was a terror. Least that's what my uncle told me once. The most I can remember is that I was pretty isolated. I didn't want to socialize with most people. I kept to myself a lot and didn't conform to anyone's standards. My twin brother and I were inseparable back then. We played pranks on a lot of the rich, snobby, ass-kissing neighborhood kids and got in trouble a lot at school or at home with our pop. I wasn't so much of a terror as a rebel. At least in my opinion. Rebellious but wanting to show the rest of the world that I was a force to be reckoned with. With or without my brother. I think it got to the point where they had trouble telling us apart and we were both 'childhood terrors.'"

     "This next question comes from DeaDeaBumbleBee. She wants to know: What made you want to include your convict brother in kidnapping Amy? I understand she hurt you but why did you want to hurt her in such a way?"

 She wants to know: What made you want to include your convict brother in kidnapping Amy? I understand she hurt you but why did you want to hurt her in such a way?"

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 His breaths quicken, becoming louder, his gaze darkening in vexation as he sits staring at the card in his hand. Slowly, he looks up and turns his head in the direction of his author. "Can I refuse this question? No? Hey! Don't you call me a bitch or I'm not answering a damn thing. I told you I had limitations. Why? Aren't we going to cover this in the upcoming chapters?" He exhales sharply. "She said I can answer the first question but not the second. Fine. I didn't want to answer the second one anyway." He flings the card to the floor, shifts in his seat, and places his finger back to his lip. "I wanted to include Neal so we could actually reconnect on something we have in common and to introduce Amy to my evil half. Maybe when she sees what a monster he is, she might actually see me in a better fucking light." He pauses, averting his gaze elsewhere, a deeply pensive expression crossing his face as he slowly looks over at the author. "Wait -- there's another reason I included Neal, a bigger reason, but she won't let me say another word about it lest I ruin the rest of the story. So I guess I'm done with that question."

     "Okay, emeeli wants to know 'How do you exactly feel towards Amy?'"

 "Seriously? Is every goddamn question going to be about me and Amy?" He exhales sharply, rolls his eyes and shakes his head in disbelief

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 "Seriously? Is every goddamn question going to be about me and Amy?" He exhales sharply, rolls his eyes and shakes his head in disbelief. "Well my writer, the other Amy, insists that I can't answer that question, but she does say that it will be explained away in chapter twenty-four so...I guess you'll just have to wait until then to find out. I will say one thing though...off the record or not, I don't hate her enough to kill her.

     "Next question. . .oh, it's another from emeeli. 'Sir can you describe your ideal sub?'"

 'Sir can you describe your ideal sub?'"

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"I would love to.  Well, first off, she would have to have both looks and personality, I'm talking about the whole package. A great pair of tits and a fantastic ass are nice -- I'm a tits and ass man in case you haven't noticed -- but if she doesn't have enough sense to take commands and fulfill her purpose as my submissive, then what the hell is the point? I would prefer that she have previous experience as a sub or a slave before she came to me and wouldn't be too bratty. I prefer not to deal with someone who has the mentality of a child but I don't want her to be entirely obedient, because I do love shelling out a good punishment. Honestly, what I really need is someone who keeps me on my toes and keeps me guessing. Experienced, intelligent, unpredictable and beautiful. That's my ideal sub.

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