Q & A: Jason Masters D.C.

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"Hey, what's happening guys? It's Jason, professional Dominant, your friendly chiropractor and as most of you might know me, Christian's younger brother. How's it going? I'm here, ready and waiting to answer any questions you might have for me. I'm sure I'll get to know most of you soon so come get to know me. Let's do this. Bring me your questions." 

     "Alright, -IndianaEvansy- asks: 'What would you do or how would you punish your submissive if she was bratty? ( like hiding from you or running from you) - I'm kinda curious."

He chuckles

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He chuckles. "Good question. I usually give my subs a warning. After the first warning, three strikes. After the third strike, I would put her in time out, which is basically just making her stand in the corner and face the wall for a while, an hour, possibly longer based on her recent behavior. Either that or I would send her straight to her room and have her stay there until I give her permission to come out. Honestly, punishments tend to vary, depending on the sub. It helps to know what she likes, but most importantly, what she hates most. I'm a lot like my brother in that area though. I prefer to let the punishment fit the crime.

     "Next question. Uh...this one is from DeaDeaBumbleBee. She asks: How did you get into the dominant lifestyle? Did you follow Christian into it coincidentally find your own way? @88secrets88 also wants to know if my brother got me into it. She also says 'that would be quite a conversation around the dinner table.'"

He laughs, sighs softly then smiles

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He laughs, sighs softly then smiles. "Well, ladies, you both got it right. Christian actually did play a pretty large part in it. He was into the lifestyle before me and one day...well it's a funny story actually." He laughs lightly. "I was coming home from school one day, it was my Senior year in high school. Our parents weren't home much. My dad was a pretty huge neurosurgeon and my mom was a schoolteacher, so usually, it was just me, Christian, and our older sister, Dana. She and sometimes my uncle watching us. Anyway, I came home, Christian was in his bedroom and..." He laughs again. "I remember hearing sex noises, you know, the usual moaning and groaning and at first I ignored it because I figured he just had a girl in his room and I would let him, you know, do his thing, and then the next thing I know, I hear a girl moaning and what sounds like slapping then more moaning, and my brother giving her orders like: 'Stay quiet,' 'Don't come,' 'Stop moving.' Even saying stuff like: 'Who's Daddy naughty girl?'" He pauses and starts laughing hysterically. "At that point, I start to assume he's hurting her or worse so I practically kick the door open and barge in, and shocked as hell, I find him spanking some girl who's bent over his bed. She has her hands tied behind her back, her hair pulled back in a braid and he's standing over her, one hand wrapped around the braid and the other on her ass, which was already red from all the spanking he did before I got there. She's lying there panting and I'm like: 'What the fuck are you doing, bro?' 'What the hell is this?' He tells me to come in and shut the door and that's when he explains it all to me. Tells me all about the BDSM lifestyle, Dom/Sub relationships, punishments, all that stuff, and more importantly, he explains that Allison -- that was her name -- Allison consented to doing all this, that she both approached and asked him to play with her. She had a huge thing for Daddy Doms and since Christian was older than anyone else in her class...well, there you have it. So after that day, I started getting home earlier just so I could watch him do his thing. Eventually, I took an interest in it too and that was that. We never told our sister about it though so we always had to be real quiet, especially the girls we brought home." He chuckles

     "Thank you for that question, ladies. Looks like 88secrets88 has a couple more for me." He stops and looks up with a smirk. "You're pretty eager today, aren't you, sweetie? She wants to know: 'What made you want to be a chiropractor? And have you ever taken a patient and made them a sub?" 

 "You're pretty eager today, aren't you, sweetie? She wants to know: 'What made you want to be a chiropractor? And have you ever taken a patient and made them a sub?" 

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"Well to answer your second question...yes, I have taken a patient and made them a sub before. A couple, actually. But just because I say that, doesn't mean it's something I do on a regular basis. Like any good relationship, the chemistry has to be there from the get go and I never drop the bomb that I'm a Dominant in the middle of an exam. The two patients that became subs had already taken an interest in the lifestyle prior to seeing me. They were also familiar with my brother's legendary rep as a Dominant so...I didn't have to bring the subject up myself. I tend to seek out potential subs mostly at clubs, be them exclusive to the lifestyle or in general." He sighs softly. "As far as what made me want to be a chiropractor...less schooling than an Orthopod." He chuckles. "No. I wanted to be a chiropractor because first off, I love working with my hands, and second, I wanted to follow in my dad's footsteps and become a doctor, and help take care of people who can't take care of themselves. I guess that's part of what makes me a regular Daddy Dom too. Having the urge to protect, nurture, and better someone else. Make everything old new again. Even if it's just to pop someone's spine back in place." He chuckles and shrugs. "So I guess, in a way, it sort of worked out perfectly.

     "Two more questions from 88secrets88. First question: 'Do you incorporate chiropractic adjustments into your care for a sub? Such as you play with her and then do an adjustment?'"

 First question: 'Do you incorporate chiropractic adjustments into your care for a sub? Such as you play with her and then do an adjustment?'"

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 "If she asks for it then yes, definitely. If something should happen during a scene and she ends up injuring herself then I'll also give her an adjustment. One thing I like to do with my submissives as an aftercare routine and something that they seem to enjoy is give them a full body massage. At that time, I can usually feel them out and if I feel something there that needs adjusting, I'll do it then."

     "Describe your ideal sub." 


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"Wow. That's a tough one. Well, for one thing, she would have to be open-minded, able to obey and take commands, and it's always nice when you find someone who shares the same desires you do. Those are pretty much the basics. I personally want to train someone who is as eager about the lifestyle as I am, who won't complain about what we do or don't do and knows her place, knows when its time to play and serve and when its time to be a lady and conduct yourself discreetly among others. I want a submissive that I can make a real connection with, someone who can be more than a lover but also a friend, or a girlfriend with her own thoughts and opinions and individual needs."

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