Q & A: Amy Gellar

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"Hi guys -- and gals! I've never really been good at public speaking. In fact, I tend to dread it but interviews can be fun, I guess. As long as its not for a job or something. I suck at those. But since I seem to be the star of this whole thing, I'm going to try and answer some of the questions that you have for me. Oh, and I apologize in advance if I start to ramble. Ugh! I'm doing that now, aren't I? Okay, I'm just going to shut up now and let you ask me something so...go ahead, ask away!" 

"Okay. Ooh! @DeaDeaBumbleBee has two questions for me. Nice! Okay. First question: How did you figure out or develop your med fetish? Cause you hated anything to do with hospitals in AMA."

"Oh God

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"Oh God." Her cheeks flush bright red and she quickly lowers her head, looking down at her lap and covering her face with her hand, body trembling as she starts giggling softly. A minute goes by and she lifts her head with a nervous smile. "Okay, hi. Umm..." She squirms in her seat, crosses one leg over the other, props her elbow on her knee and starts chewing on her thumb. Exhaling sharply, she shifts again, smirks coyly and cringes. "Okay...I can't believe I'm actually saying this but back then...I was sort of playing it off that way. I was so nervous, I had to. I'll be honest, I've had this fetish ever since I met Michael. I just got really good at hiding how he makes me feel, you know...in certain places when he touches me like that. I never got up the courage to tell him how much it turned me on when he'd worry like crazy, check my vitals, examine or dote on me like he always does. Now that I think about it, I don't think I ever told Andrew that either. For obvious reasons. They were so vanilla, and if I told them about my fantasies and the whole interest in that BDSM lifestyle...well, they probably would think I was weird or run for the hills because of it. So yeah, I had to act the way I did. Couldn't have them suspect what I was into. It was Michael who made me feel aroused with all this medical stuff. Realizing my desire was actually a real fetish was just the icing on the cake after that."

"Next question? What ever happened to you and Andrew? Is he still working in A&E (might be awkward when Christian rushes you in there after you've been saved) or did his rock career take off?"

"Next question? What ever happened to you and Andrew? Is he still working in A&E (might be awkward when Christian rushes you in there after you've been saved) or did his rock career take off?"

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She sighs deeply, glancing away for a minute then looking back, her brows furrowing. "I'm not sure what you mean by A & E. What's that? Or is that a typo? As for what happened between us..." She looks down at her lap, lacing her fingers together and chewing on her bottom lip. "It was a combination of a lot of things. He took up smoking, started to drinking more...and I caught him cheating on me with one of his stupid fucking slutty groupies. Needless to say, that ended pretty damn fast. And I haven't seen or heard from since that night. I guess I was doing myself a favor...or fate had something better planned for me. Obviously, now that I found Christian." She smiles fondly.

"Okay, next question is from @88secrets88: 'What would be your ideal scene with a Dom?'" 

She gasps and throws both of her hands up, covering her face as her cheeks flush bright red in embarrassment

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She gasps and throws both of her hands up, covering her face as her cheeks flush bright red in embarrassment. "Oh my God." Leaning forward, she presses her forehead against her knees and shakes her head. "I can't, I can't, that question is..." She lifts her head and leans back, one hand covering her mouth, her face turning redder by the minute. A few long seconds pass then she drops her hand in her lap, shifts in her seat and glances down at the floor with a smirk. "If I tell you, you'll tell Christian and then he'll know what really turns me on." Setting her hands on her knees, she looks up at the ceiling, bites her lip and cringes. "Okay, okay, okay...well I do have this one fantasy that might involve a certain surgeon. I'm lying naked on his operating table, all except for a hairnet, hooked up to all these monitors and he's dressed like his sexy surgeon self. The whole outfit. Hat, mask, gown, gloves, everything. And he finds ways to pleasure me, maybe we pretend that I'm having a real operation and he gets me high as a kite on that magic gas he uses to knock people out, and he just teases me with his gloved hands and rubs his surgeon mask all over me as he kisses me and talks to me like he's going to operate. And eventually, we start having sex while he's still dressed like that and he's smothering me with an oxygen mask or something, and he sort of gives me a play-by-play of what my heart is doing and how my vitals are as he's...fucking me." She throws herself forward, burying her face in her hands and lap. "Oh god, please, please Dear God don't tell him I said that." 

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