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Many Days After Christmas (Part Two)

Troye's pov

Darkness. Absolute darkness.

"Where the fuck- let me out!!" I shout, feeling around the woven sack.

I kick and shove at it only for it not to budge. Krampus sighs, only frustrating and confusing me more.

"Why'd you- Krampus! Let me out!" 

I'm in a fucking sack.

"It's best you be quiet."

"It's best you let me the fuck out," I retort.

"I can and will put you to sleep." He threatens.

"No, you w-"


Groaning under my breath, I lift my head the slightest just to let it fall back down on the cold floor. Floor-? Peaking my eyes open and blinking lazily, I about have a doubletake at what's in front of me. Well, more like what surrounds me.

Metal bars.

I'm in a cage.

I'm chained to the floor... in a fucking cage.

"This is your fault." I faintly hear, making me force myself up into a sitting position in seconds.




With each slur, I hear my Krampus grunt in pain.

"I thought I taught you better son." He grumbles, striking his son again with what I'd only assume to be a whip. It sure sounds like one.

"Have anything to say for yourself?"


"Jacob. Answer me."


That's his name?

"Dad, please." 

I get to my feet and walk to the opening of the cage, placing my hands on the bars and trying to get a peek at the two. Nothing. Just an empty dark hallway. 

Where am I?

Is this hell?

"Please, what?" He mutters.

"Don't be pathetic, Jacob."

"Jacob," I whisper.

"Please be okay," I mumble and set my head against the bars.

As I'm hit with a wave of dizziness, I frown and slide down to the floor, ignoring the slight yank of the chains and leaning against the bars. And just like that-


"Wake him up."

"No, you wake him up."

"No, you wake him up."

"Come onnn, someone make sure he's still alive."

I open my droopy eyelids and mumble incoherent nonsense. 

"He's alive! See!"

I find myself confused when I look around to see no one there.

"Hello?" I whisper, my voice rasping the slightest.

"Ooo! He talks too!" What sounds like a little girl cheers.

"Who's there?" I ask.

"Hmm? Don't be silly. We're right here." She titters, only confusing me more. 

"I don't- I can't see you." I mumble, arching myself up on my arm.

She gasps, "Oh! Silly me! Here, one second."

And like that, three little triplets appear into thin air.

What The Fuck?

They all giggle, there being two boys and a girl. They're skin pale and almost grey looking.

"I'm Tris! This is Toby and Theodore!" She gestures to the two boys on both sides of her.

"And you are?" I inquire.

"The Twisted T's. What? Are we not known to your kind?" She questions, making sure to top off her bitter words with a dirty look.

I shrug my shoulders up guiltily, "No?"

She gasps, "They had one job. One job. Include us."

The three grumble under their breath while I sit there confused, out of place, and shook.

"Stupid demons, always leaving us out." Toby murmurs, letting out a small 'hmph' and crossing his arms over his chest. 

I tap on the bars of the cage, grabbing their attention.

"Sorry to interrupt, hey, uh- can you tell me where I am?" 

The three look over and giggle, "Hell, mister. Thought they woulda told ya."

"Yeah, no. You three are the first to talk to me- what are you by the way? How'd you just appear out of nowhere?" I interrogate, my eyes scanning up and down their dirty looking bodies. Their clothes all tattered, their hair in knots and looking as horrific as ever, and skin, as I said before, looking awfully grey.

Theodore pipes up, "We're ghosts, mista!"

Tris slaps him on the arm, "Hey! He's a mortal, cool it!"

"He's gonna die anyway!" Theodore scoffs.

"I am?" 

Seeming to have caught himself in his own words, he smacks a hand to his mouth while the other two glare at him. 

"Gotta go!" Tris squeaks.

They go invisible though I can still hear them patting around the halls.

"You know I can still hear you, right?" I speculate, laying down on my side and sighing.

"You can't hear anythiiiing."

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